15- fever

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You blinked a few times, trying to clear your head and process the question that was repeated twice now. "(Y/n)! Hello? Are you ok?" Formaggio asked again, waving a hand in front of your face. A cold shiver randomly ran down your spine as you held yourself, slightly sniffling. You could feel the heat on your face, knowing full well your cheeks and nose were red. 

"(Y/n), are you alright? Answer me!" He repeated, putting a hand on your shoulder and shaking you slightly. You only whimpered in response, your stomach twisted and you became light headed.

Formaggio gave you a worried look before picking you up into his arms. "I'm going to take you to your room, ok?" You only nodded in response as he began to walk toward the stairs. Half way up the staircase, you brought your hands to your face and let out a small sneeze.

Your teammate stopped walking and looked down at you in his arms, "oh! You must be sick!" He said to you. 

Out of nowhere, Ghiaccio appeared and looked over the railing at the top of the staircase. "Who's sick?"

Formaggio lifted you a bit, showing your cold and shaking body to the blue haired man. "(Y/n) is!"

Ghiaccio, although he didn't show it, was panicking. Not once had you or anyone else on the team become sick like this around them.  "Oh no.. (y/n) do you need anything?"

Illuso pokes his head out of his room, melone doing the same. "Why would (y/n) need something? Are you going somewhere?" Illuso asked stepping out of his room.

"No, (y/n)s sick and I was wondering if she n-"

"My precious (y/n) is SICK?" Melone yelled running out of his room and tripping over his own foot.

Formaggio finished walking up the stairs, clutching your body. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and your face was pressed into his chest in hopes of gaining a bit of warmth. Your body still shivered and small sniffles could be heard. "Yeah, she's sick.." Ghiaccio hummed, looking you over.

Formaggio walked you to your room as you continued to hold onto him. Illuso caught up to you both and opened the door, helping Formaggio and you inside your room. Amelia could be seen playing with a small doll on the floor before she noticed you and Formaggio. "Hi mom! Why are you with mister maggio?"

Illuso stepped into the room and walked towards Amelia while Formaggio layed your shivering body into the bed. The brown haired man squatted down to where Amelia sat and looked her in the eyes. "Mommy is very sick right now, make sure you whisper when you talk in order to not give her a headache."

Amelia gave a serious expression and a thumbs up, whispering 'ok' before getting up and running to your bedside. Formaggio slipped you under the covers  and tucked you in. "Is that better (y/n)?" He asked, standing back up.

You only groaned in response, it wasn't often that you got sick but when you did it was hell. 'Mommy's harem of dads can help her!' Amelia yelled in her head. 'I'm going to have to give them a bit of help though, they don't seem to know too much...' she thought as she watched melone cradle you while crying.

'Maybe if I play my cards right, I can choose which dad my mommy has!' Melone gently placed you down after getting scolded by Ghiaccio for messing with you while you're sick.

amelia ran to the opposite side of the bed you rested on, struggling to bring herself up on it. After a few minutes, she was successful and crawled to your side. Amelia sat flat on her bottom and looked at your panting state. despite being shivering from being cold, you were heating up badly.

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