16- our author?

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"What the hell do you MEAN YOU LOST HER!" You screamed, gripping your head in frustration as you held the phone to your ear.

Melone chuckled uneasily on the other line, "heheheh... well you see the thing is... she kinda.. just left? I was paying for the stuff she asked for and then she wasn't there!"

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING! GO LOOK FOR HER YOU LITTLE SHIT! IF SHES NOT FOUND IN THE NEXT TWENTY MINUTES ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" You screamed into the phone, slamming your finger onto the 'end call' button.

Tears swelled in your eyes out of fright and frustration, but now was not the time to be upset. You had to find Amelia. 'And THIS IS WHY WE CANT DO ANYTHING!' You yelled in your head.

You met up with melone, who had already informed the rest of the gang about the disappearance of the little black haired girl. Everyone was looking for her, but all came back empty handed.

It was as if you were going to crumble away into dust and tears if she wasn't found in the next ten minutes. You pushed onward with the rest of your team, frantically looking for Amelia with increasing worry. After turning a few corners in the area she was last seen in, you started to feel eyes watching you. 

You whipped your head around in the direction you felt the stare, only to see a teenage girl sitting on a bench with her laptop open. She had deep grayish, blue eyes and brown bobbed hair that poofed out at the end. She wore a tight black turtleneck and purple baggy pants, as well as a matching baggy purple jacket. She was listening to music on her phone as she held the laptop in her lap, her light skin glowing in the light.

The girl squinted her eyes at you, as if she was trying to see if she remembered you. In curiosity, you walked over to the teenage girl on the bench, ignoring your teammates questions on what you were doing. You stopped directly in front of her, looking down at her seated form. "Is there something I can help you with? You were staring at me strangely."

"Are you by chance (y/n) (l/n)?"

You blinked a few times before putting on a confused expression, "Yes, why? How do you know my name?"

The girls eyes lit up brightly and her mouth stretched into a wide grin, "I know everything about you!"

"No way you do, who are you?" You asked, bending by your hips as you came level with her face.

 She took out her earphones and paused her music. "You're (y/n) (l/n), a girl who killed her parents by accident after getting robbed unexpectedly at night. Your parents bashed you and hurt you which helped you develop golden rule, your stand, tha-"  you slapped your hand over her mouth, stopping her from talking.

"How do you know all that?" You whispered to the girl.

She pushed your hand away, ignoring your question she said "try two streets down on your left after going through that alley."

"What?" You snarled.

"You were looking for Amelia right? She's two streets down, talking to another kid that she wandered off with."

Your eyes lit up with hope. Without questioning whether the girl was lying or not, you sprinted away from her and into the alley, cutting through and dashing two streets down just like she said to. Sure enough, there was Amelia, licking a lollipop with another little girl. The girl Amelia sat with had curly blonde hair with a red bow that tie it up in the back. She wore a pretty yellow dress that had ruffles at the end. Out of no where, you heard the blonde girl yell "no way! Your mom has a harem to?! That's crazy!"

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