33- bullets and bubbles

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im sorry to see you go, @amherejustnow , ill miss seeing you on my books. this chapter is dedicated to you!

i made it extra long just for you, so i hope you enjoy it!

i dont know if youll be able to read this before you go, but please know, even if you dont see this, i love you so much and ill miss you terribly :(((

(im throwing in some references to some of my readers! if you see your username in this book, then its you im referencing! not all names will be accurate, though.)

you dashed to risottos side, grinding your feet into the soft soil with each thrusted step. a worried expression twisted your face as you watched metallica slowly fade, streams blood beginning to pool out of him again. digging around in your pocket, you fished out your phone and quickly pressed prosciutto contact, putting him on speaker as you struggled to pick up risotto into your arms.

your capo layed limp in your arms bridal style, since it was nearly impossible to carry him any other way with his height and weight. your dialed phone lay ringing on his stomach as you trudged out of the woods, internally applauding yourself for having the strength to carry an almost seven foot tall man. after a few more rings, the other line picked up. "hello, this is prosciutto speaking."

"Pros! where are you!" you screeched, pushing yourself further out of the deep woods.

the start of an engine could be heard on the other line, followed by a low mumble. "im at cactus-bug st., where are you?"

"in the FUCKING woods carrying a dying risotto as fast as i can! stay where you are and be ready to floor it back to the base the moment we're in!"

"you got it (n/n), do you want me to stay on the line?"

you glanced down at risottos peaceful face, his normally hard features having softened from being unconscious. it was almost adorable, to be honest. however, in what felt like seconds, the want to protect him was replaced with the desire to slap him. why would risotto want to hide his injuries from you, especially when they were life threatening? the questions in your head swirled and bubbled with different possibilities to answer that difficult question, making your blood boil and your teeth clench. "(y/n)?" prosciutto repeated, knocking you out of your daze.

"yeah- uhm, please just stay with me till we're in the car."

"of course."

a newfound feeling of determination swelled inside you, allowing you to push forward despite the weakening of your arms from the intense weight of your teammate, of your friend. after a few moments, you stumbled out of the trees, revealing your disheveled body holding tightly onto risotto who layed limp in your arms, hoping you wouldnt drop him. "pros, how far away is cactus-bug from..."

you glanced around, finding a street sign to reference which read 'fnnkye st.' . "...f..funk eye road? what kind of street name is that?" you mumbled.

"can  you repeat what street you're on?" prosciutto requested, the phone audio making his voice sound jagged and weak.

"im on funk eye (?) road. its a few turns down from 'dunbar avenue'...." you repeated, internally questioning who was in charge of naming the streets in the area.

"im on my way, try to patch up risotto the best you can to make sure he doesn't lose any more blood." pros ordered, the sound of a roaring engine slightly muffling his words on the other end.

you hummed in confirmation, laying risotto face down on the cold sidewalk and having [GOLDEN RULE] quickly slice open his hoodie so you could get to his back where most of his wounds were. your stand was great in precision, so you had it pick out the bullets from the gaping holes in risottos body, the round metal revealing to be uncomfortably large as [GOLDEN RULE] plucked them out with no trouble.

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