2- meet the team

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(golden rules pronouns are he/it, so if you see it randomly switch from between the two, dont get confused)

bright rays of sun squeezed through your white curtains that danced in the cool, italian wind. it was another day, just like any other. you squirmed in your bed, trying to fit in as much shut eye as you could despite the light that warmed your face. You threw your blanket over your head in attempt to stay warm and keep out the light, only to have it ripped off of you.

you felt a soft poke on your cheek, then a hard nudge in your aching side. "w..wake... up...", a raspy voice whispered next to your ear as you shivered.

 a rough flick to your forehead caused your eyes to shoot wide open. "what the hell Goldie! let me sleep in!"

"t..twelve.." your stand whispered annoyed, pointing to your clock. [GOLDEN RULE] had already let you sleep in another four hours due to your injuries, but because you were a stand user, which allows you heal faster than normal, almost all your injuries were gone (except for a few bullet holes here and there).

you groaned, swinging your bare (s/c) feet over the side of your plush bed. carefully stretching your sore arms over your head as you yawned, and letting a whimper of pain slip from your mouth as you accidentally pulled an injured muscle, you finally decided to wake yourself up. 

[GOLDEN RULE] crossed its bone arms looking at you with disappointment and annoyance, its clean golden drapes wrinkling from the action.

"hey, how did your clothes get cleaned?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at the glimmering cloth around the skeletons body.

"..dop..pio.." he mumbled, turning way.  He seemed to be.. embarrassed?

" that was nice of him! did you say thank you?"

 your stand nodded in response, albeit reluctantly.

"well, lets get ready.. and because you were so nice to him, ill let you pick out my outfit today." you said with a smile.

[GOLDEN RULE] instantly perked up and clapped his hands together in a happy manner, looking excited to be able to pick your wardrobe for the day. He didn't  waste another second and quickly floated over to your closet, swinging the door open and looking through your selection of clothing.

"oh yeah, do we get to meet my- i mean, our new team today?"

not answering,  your stand continued to pick through your wardrobe, becoming increasingly frustrated with so many good options. turning to you for a moment, the golden crowned skeleton pointed to your nightstand where a wax sealed letter was displayed next to a little silver letter opener.

"oh, im going to assume this is from doppio.." you chuckled upon seeing the skull wax seal.

 taking the little knife into your hand, you slide the blade under the seal and lifted up, causing the wax to tear from the paper encasing the letter from your friend. slipping your hand into the now torn envelope and pinching the paper that hid inside, you quickly pulled it out and unfolded.
flipping it open, a message read:

'dear (y/n)
i may or may not be lightly crying while writing this, but ill miss you so much.
i dont believe i told you this yet, but the boss advised you go and live with your team in order to stay on top of your work at your very best. ill miss you terribly, i dont think ill be able to make it through the day without seeing your face in these halls. i might be able to push through it if you promise to call every now and again. your room was already prepared in their house, though it may need a bit cleaning up.
all of your suitcases were packed except for your clothes and jewelry, which im sure 'golden rule' would be more than happy to take care of. ill have Goldie wake you up around 12:00, if your not up before then. your car to your new base will leave at 3:00 sharp, and ill be waiting by it to tell you goodbye (and possibly cry a bit more).. i wish you luck with your new team, and make sure to tell me all about your first day tomorrow!

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