32- this, this is fear

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(sorry for bad grammar!)

a strong pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you away from [blinding lights] gaze, hiding you behind their body. you peeked one eye open, finding an out of breath risotto holding you against him, sharply sucking air through his teeth. "risotto! youre back!"

he looked at you, a few drops of sweat rolling down his face as he stared into your eyes. "i never left. i called prosciutto to pick us up, we just need to get rid of this bastard and leave."

you furrowed your eyebrows, "alright, but are you ok? you seem worn out for some reason.."

"yeah- fuck, im fine.. lets just get rid of this guy and go." he growled, Metallica popping up on his thigh.

confused, you looked down to the small cluster of stands, "why is met-"

you were interrupted by a gunshot flying your way, making risotto duck and pull you down with him. "who's this 'mr.snow' guy, and why does he want (y/n)?!" risotto boomed, pulling you closer to him as he began running with you in his arms, slightly limping.

"i dont know myself, he didnt give us the specifics." you heard hearts' grainy voice call after you, "but, what i do know if that he refers to (y/n) as 'his doll' and nothing else."

you hopped out of risottos arms, dodging to the left and pulling your capo with you as another bullet was shot your way. the echoes of the shotgun rung through the forest like a bell of death, letting anyone and anything in the vicinity know of your presence. "listen, mr.snow will pay me extra if your not harmed, but i dont mind losing a few bucks if it'll be easier to just shoot you in the leg.." heart said, cocking their shotgun again.

you dragged risotto behind another tree, hiding from [blinding lights] intense stare. "risotto," you whispered. "we gotta find a way to defeat this bastard.."

he hummed in agreement, holding his breath as [blinding lights]pranced by in search of the both of you. "did you see any weak points on the heart?" he murmured, his hot breath hitting your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

"not that i know of, but the back of his head looks like its made of glass. maybe we can try hitting that if we can get behind him." you mumbled in response, shifting around the tree to avoid the hearts searching eyes.

"listen, doll- or i guess (y/n) -i just want you to be compliant with me here! the boss doesn't want to hurt you, in fact, he would treat you like his queen. ive never seen him so infatuated with a girl before, and lemme tell you, this guy is stone. cold. ice." the heart hummed, walking by the tree you hid behind. "and come on! if we dont catch you, then his elite guards will, and you dont want to get yourself in trouble with them.. especially teddy and rabbit, they will beat your ass."

you scooted to the other side of the tree, ending up behind heart as they continued to walk aimlessly in search of you. you saw the glass dome on the back of their head shine in the light, almost begging you to smash it open. 'i need to wait until his stand is far, and when there is a good opening..' you told yourself.

almost as if it read your thoughts, you heard the hooves of [blinding lights] dash towards you. you quietly scrambled to your feet, mentally repeating 'dont look at it, dont look at it, dont look at it' over and over again, as you were sure the ability only works if you actually look at the eyes of the stand, much like a deer in the headlights. you internally chuckled, finally understanding the hearts reference earlier.

you tip toed to another tree, leaving risotto sitting at the one you were just at. ducking behind the trunk, you listened as [blinding lights] hooves pranced by, obviously agitated that it couldn't find you yet. this had to be the worst hide and seek game you've ever played in your life. 'ok, now i just gotta find the heart before that damn deer comes back again.' you told yourself, peeking around the tree, only to be blinded by bright yellow light from [blinding lights]. 's-shit!'

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