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this is just a chapter of random things that never made it to the fic itself, like missing arcs, character designs, and shit like that


-priatel was meant to live in the end and become your 'sister' once you moved away from la squadra, but i accidently killed her off and forgot to bring her back...soo....

-spade was originally a character i designed as my avatar in DC Heroes Online, and i thought she looked fucking cool so i put her here.

-in the original story, formaggio was supposed to be the one you ended up with, but i changed my mind after seeing a picture of illuso both shirtless and with his hair down (im sorry yall im down bad)

-after thinking for a bit, i then planned for you to be in a poly relationship between illuso and formaggio, and then have TWO kids (olive and finnoccio, the latter being maggios kid) but then scrapped the idea because i wanted everyone to suffer

-snow was supposed to end up with beetle at the very end

-snows backstory is a complicated one. there isnt much information i gave on him, so i suppose ill put some here: he, after escaping his brother, whom killed his younger sister, found himself homeless in the streets in the middle of winter. vincent eventually lost his legs to frost bite, and was saved by beetle, who nursed him back to health. later on, snow reclaimed his life and became the prick you all know today

-snow was designed after alucard from castlevania

-amelia was meant to be a boy, named alphonze (from FMA)

-bernadette was never supposed to be a clown, and was instead meant to be a transparent version of amelia

-i wasn't too original with priatels name. it just means 'friend' in russian.

-devans stand, novocaine, was supposed to be a saint bernard, but i felt a big fluffy dog wouldnt be too intimidating

-there was supposed to be a boss fight between bunny and teddy, but because everything was rushed, they were forgotten

-i wanted to include an arc where y/n got a better interaction with the bucci gang (to indulge in my fantasies abuot abbacchio and his massive tits, as well as fugo because i have a thing for men with anger issues), but eventually threw it to the side

-yes, amelia is the killer in my first fic 'Ill Be Fine'

-did you know that it was briefly hinted at that prosciutto had a thigh fetish?

-melone was supposed to end up alive in the end, having survived his su!cide by accident, but i thought it wouldnt be too sad if that happened.

-formaggio never 'went away' to look for you. risotto killed him.

-olive is a raging asexual that supports her siblings in their relationships (though she does indulge in occasional romance-- as shes not aromantic)

-the jewelry that devan takes at the end is distributed between the family. he gets the ring. the ruby bracelet, the same one doppio gave to you when you first left to go to la squadra, was given to olive, and the earrings were handed over to amelia.

-illuso was given the fabric everything was wrapped in, which meant more than you would think as it was torn from golden rules robes

-the strip of fabric that he was given was found to be tied around his hand, the same one you held on your first date.

-it isnt revealed in the fic, but olive has a stand (obviously with both of her parents being stand users) which is a skeleton adorned with armor made of mirrors. it doesn't have a name, so she calls it 'something'

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