34- below the surface

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im not like other girls *long pause as i sip chocolate milk through my very complex straw* im worse

if yall dont know, nodding means 'yes' and shaking (side to side) means 'no'


you harshly thrusted the needle into risottos skin, digging the thin metal into his pale epidermis. "no, instead of answering your question, how about you answer mine?" you hummed, a growl whipping through your breath. "why would you try to hide bullet and stab wounds from me, especially this many?"

your tone may have been calm, but it boomed with anger, shaking risotto to his core like no other. he couldnt even speak, his voice getting caught in his throat as he felt your hand creep up his shoulder. "well, since you wont answer me, lets play a little 'yes or no' game, ok?" you smiled, your grin a twisted and wicked one.

you constricted your hand around his shoulder, making him flinch slightly. "all you gotta do is either answer 'yes' or 'no' to my questions, and you better be telling the damn truth." you began. "so, let's begin. did you get a majority of the injuries from 'blinding lights'?"

once again finding he couldnt speak, risotto opted to nod to your question, making you hum in approval at his compliance. "alright, then, had you been bleeding out for ten minutes or more?"

he shook his head no, making you sigh with relief. "fine then, do you know why prosciutto sounded like he was crying on the phone at all?"

you heard him chuckle lowly, leaving your question unanswered. you raised an eyebrow, "risotto? do you happen to know why he was upset?"

risotto didnt nod or shake his head, only staring forward with a small smile creeping up on his lips. "risotto." you deadpanned, "what did you do."

"nothing," he mumbled, feeling your hand tighten on his shoulder, your nails digging into his skin. "i only told him what happened."

you sighed, setting the suture kit off to the side. "and what happened?"

he hummed, looking towards you through wet, grey hair that hung over his face in a rather attractive way. "i think you know what im talking about."

you shook your head, grabbing the sponge off the counter and throwing it at his face, to which he swiftly caught without batting an eye. "if youre talking about the kiss... i just.."

risotto tilted his head, a few drops of water falling from the tips of his hair. "you dont know what it was, do you?" he sighed, sounding disappointed.

"i dont," you replied in defeat. "i dont know why it happened, to be honest... it was so... it was just out of nowhere. it went straight from zero to one hundred in a single second."

taking advantage of his distraction, you jabbed the needle in your right hand back into his skin, which was a lucky move on your part as he didnt even flinch or whine. he continued to stare at you expectantly, waiting for you to finish. "well, what do you think it was? what did the kiss mean to you?" he asked, genuine curiosity with a smidge of hope in his voice.

you shut your eyes tight, your breath hitching. "i dont know.. maybe, maybe it was just two lonely people trying to find comfort in each other." you started, patching up the last remaining bullet wound on risotto. "i think, if im being honest, the kiss only happened because we find ourselves by, well, ourselves constantly. alone, if it makes any more sense. maybe we were just subconsciously looking for a way to release, get a bit of the stress off our backs from working so often. i think im positive when i say that no one in our team has relative attraction towards me or each other, as we have more of a family bond, i guess."

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