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"you.... did you seriously... why the hell do you have another cat formaggio?" ghiaccio asked the man picking up a tabby cat. "well for one he was adorable and i couldn't resist, and two, fuck you i do what i want."

ghiaccio and formaggio were currently in the living room when they heard things crash and tumble upstairs. there was a muffled 'what  the HELL (Y/N)!' and more crashes.vibrations of  frantic feet could be felt making their way down the stairs as rapid panting could be heard. there was a sharp inhale and then a series of loud thuds, which was (y/n) falling down the stairs. she reached solid floor and quickly got up looking around frantically with a few scratches on her arms and bruises from where she fell and possibly fought with whoever cursed her upstairs. "did someone say cat?"

"jesus christ you're a madwoman. what the hell did you do upstairs?" ghiaccio asked,acknowledging her bruises and  cuts that littered her body.

"yes! we have a cat again!" formaggio yelled, holding up the cat cradled in his arms. (y/n) squealed and pushed ghiaccio out of the way to go see the cat, ignoring his question. to say ghiaccio was jealous of the sudden affection to the cat was an understatement.

"where did you find it?"

"on the street, it wouldnt stop following me, so i did the most logical thing.."

"truly a wise man formaggio." you giggled, petting the cat that purred softly in the mans arms. you swiftly dug your hand under the cats stomach and scooped it from formaggios grasp. you flipped it so you cradled the cat like a baby in your arms as it purred gently, almost falling asleep.

ghiaccio gritted his teeth together, you had completely forgotten his existence for a fucking cat. "hey! i asked you a fucking question!" ghiaccio asked you, harshily poking your shoulder, causing you to stumble and wake the sleeping cat in your arms.

that cat had only been with you for a few moments, but the way you loved it made it love you. it didnt like the fact that ghiaccio had messed with you like that just for not answering a question. 

"yo ghiaccio, just leave her alone. she was probably just excited to see the new cat." formaggio said, putting a hand on your shoulder as you continued to pet the cat.

"whatever..." ghiaccio grumbled walking away to another room while you two were turned away, but... he was... shrinking?

"formaggio, this shit isn't funny." is what should have come out of his mouth, instead of a long meow. he looked down and noticed he had paws now. little fluffy blue paws.

he looked up and around, noticing he was on all four on the wood ground. he clothes were relaxed against the floor, his shirt layed over his light blue fur. he crawled out through the neck hole of his shirt, his curly blue fur shedding a little bit against it.

little cat ghiaccio looked back to his clothes with icy, slit pupil eyes, how did he turn into a cat?

is that cat formaggio found a stand user? no way... right?

ghiaccio trotted back to the room you were once in and found it empty, except for the tabby cat formaggio found on the street. the feline looked towards ghiaccio with yellow eyes, it stretched its mouth to a Cheshire smile, walking towards then dissapearing to the other room.

that new cat just had to be a stand user. how was little ghiaccio supposed to tell the rest of the team to be careful as a damn cat?

he heard footsteps come down the stairs, it sounded like small soft steps, it mustve been you walking down them.

you now smelled of warm vanilla, having left the room earlier to take a shower. you had thrown on one of ghiaccios sweaters thinking he had left the house. "im sure ghiaccio wont mind if i borrow a sweater, all of mine are in the wash.." you said to your stand, who melted out of your body. The deep blue sweater was adorably big on you, almost covering the shorts you were wearing.

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