36- sweet cherry pits

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(youll figure out why there is minimal dialogue in this chapter, but if you need any clarification please tell me! ^^)

panic numbed your nerves, the thought of survival being the only thing that motivated you, the sheer idea of you escaping without meeting 'mr. snow' fueling your repeated attempts to break away from the ice that crept up your body like vines to a fence. the blue design of china flowed up your arm like water, your skin turning white and glass like under each area it touched, small cracks forming in its wake.

spade held you still, clutching onto your body as if her life practically depended on it, her legs and arms wrapped around you in a constrictive manner. diamond, on the other hand, just stared at you lazily, the sunglasses he wore having drooped down to expose his piercing green eyes and allowing his ability to take action. he sat idle on your windowsill, swinging his leg out of boredom as he slowly paralyzed you into glass. yes, you could still move your glass limbs, but it was obvious you were in the disadvantage since glass is extremely fragile.

why havent your team heard the intrusion, you pondered. the sound of glass shattering shouldve been enough to tell them something was wrong, and if windows breaking didnt set off a few alarms, then the sound of an insane woman screaming and laughing shouldve. 

icicles spiked up your legs, passing your waist and encasing you in a numbing freeze that would surely give you hypothermia if you didnt escape it. doing what you could, you attempted to pry off spade with your brittle arms, finding that your attempts were futile with her strangely increased strength. the blue and black doberman that was once on high alert was now laying down, resting its head on its paws in a docile demeanor.

[GOLDEN RULE] had yet to return to help you, though he was most likely still hiding and protecting the kids as he should. the moment you escaped spades clutch would be the moment you would beat her ass to a pulp. maybe you had went too easy on her the first time around, not given her much of a warning. though this time around, you were sure you would make your message clear, maybe take an arm or two in exchange for not leaving you alone as requested..

ah, but the heart would surely be upset with that, though you couldnt give two shits about how they felt about the situation. they had the option to stop their lover, the spade,  from trying to attack you again and they obviously didnt take it, and now, you werent going to hold back at all.

being attacked several times in one day really did drain your energy, but at the same time it fueled your anger to inhuman levels, balancing out your low charge with a taste for revenge. the glass that was once creeping up your arm had paused, though the ice growing around you did not, making you curious. lifting your head to look at the diamond, you had noticed he was no longer staring at you and was rather looking out of the window, staring down at the ground floor.

he must only be able to progress your 'transformation' through looking at you, you concluded. he seemed to have been talking to somebody, though you found it strange that you couldnt hear his voice. it seemed that all sound had been blocked out, which prompted you to ponder if this was the work of an outside source or stand ability, though the screeching did sound familiar. you almost felt as if you had gone deaf, the thoughts that raced in your head being the only thing you could hear besides a deafening beeping sound that echoed in your ears.

could it be that the rest of the team was experiencing this too? could they not have heard your scream and the glass shattering because of the same thing happening to them? these questions bounced back and forth inside your head as you successfully managed to squeeze your fragile arms under spade, jutting them out so your elbows would knock into her side and spring her off.

surprisingly, it worked, and she tumbled off of you with a thud. with her finally off of you, you once again attempted to pull your legs out of the ice, only being successful with one leg. diamond had yet to notice you had partly escaped, which gave you the chance to try to yank your leg out again. spade remained flat against the ground, reaching into the air and trying to grab something most likely only she could see, like a cat on catnip.

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