25- the neighbor, the bruise, and the date

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"club has been dispatched."

"good, make sure they dont make contact yet."

"yes sir."


pov: you

the move was rather successful, and priatel even offered a helping hand to move stuff into your house which was nice. while she was helping move in boxes, somebody had texted her telling her she had to go. there wasnt much left to do so you let her leave (despite her profuse apologies).

 you were unpacking the last box to your room when you began to hear footsteps approach your door. "(y/n)~" some one whispered.

you pulled out your blankets from the box and sat them on your bed, turning around to face the speaker. "oh- hey melone! how are you?"

"im good, (y/n)! i came to tell you that some girl at the door is asking for you."

"cool, be there in a minute!"

"alright, also.." the tips of melones ears turned red as he spoke, "i think you owe me a date after i was impaled with those icicles, seems fair?"

"wh- no way! you chose to stay like that and get hurt! plus, amelia is already making go on a date with you."

melone looked at you, a confused expression twisting his face until his eyes lit up. "that's right! get ready cause we're going in a few hours!"

"hey! give me an actual time!" you yelled, gaining nothing but a series of giggles from melone as he skipped off to his own room.

you shook your head in disbelief, slightly annoyed by the fact that melone was basically a man-child. walking out of your room, you made quick work in jogging to the stairs and scurrying down them to greet whoever was at the door. peeking around the corner, you saw priatel waiting patiently at the door. "hey! how are you?" you greeted, walking towards her.

"im good, what's up?"

"nothing much really, please! come inside!" you ushered, gesturing her to come next to you.

"im sorry, i uhm....i cant right now, but if you'd like, i can probably come back later!"

you furrowed your eyebrows, "sure thing!...what did you come here for?"

priatel kept making nervous glances behind her, her body lightly trembling. "u-uhm, can i have your number? so we can keep in touch?"

"yeah, sure!"

you both exchanged numbers and said your farewells, only for you to become more increasingly concerned for priatel when she turned around, the outline of a bruise showing on her neck. "hey  pria, are you ok?"

she shakily turned around, swallowing her saliva. "yes, im fi-fine. why do you ask?"

"you have a pretty bad bruise on your neck, what happened?"

she rubbed the back of neck sheepishly, wincing when she touched the bruise. "i just fell down the stairs, im so clumsy!" 

your shoulders relaxed, relieved she wasn't in any trouble.  "ok then, have a nice day!"

"you too! see you later!" she called after you, walking back to her house that stood not so far from yours.

you smiled warmly and looked down at your phone, closing the door as you began to trudge back to your room. you opened her contact and sent her a text message.

(y/n): hey!

priatel: whats up?

(y/n): just texting you to make sure the contact number works

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