18- You are not a clown, you are the entire circus

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"So are we just not gonna talk about the fact that Amelia saw your stand last night?" Formaggio questioned, taking a sip of his coffee.

"She has a STAND?" Melone screamed from the other room.

You shook your head, rubbing your temples to push down a growing headache. You were lucky Formaggio opened the door for you the other night, otherwise you might've gotten I'll again. Your last mission was a little rough, but nothing you couldn't complete. You recalled Amelia even sitting on [GOLDEN RULE] and acting as if it was an everyday thing. Had she seen your stand before? "Amelia, could you come here for a second?" You called out to her.

There was silence, then a long series of small footsteps running down the hall upstairs. The steps raced to the stairs before rushing down them at a fast rate, revealing little Amelia at the top of the staircase. "Yes mom?" She questioned, holding mister noodle in her hand.

"Can you see this?" You asked, [GOLDEN RULE] manifesting behind you. She seemed intimidated by it for a minute before she relaxed.

"Yeah, why is there a giant skeleton with you?"

"He's my friend, you have a friend like this too. Can you bring them out?"

Amelia tilted her head to the side as she approached you. "I don't know how."

"Well, I guess we can wait or-" a little jingle interrupted your sentence. Slowly moving your eyes to the source, your face contorted to surprise upon seeing a tiny clown dash from one room to the other. 

"Did you see that?" Formaggio asked you, his eyes wide with curiosity.

You nodded your head in response, "Yeah.. could that be her stand?"

There was another small jingle, this time by the front door. The small clown raced past the door and into another room once again. "Hey what's going on in here?" Pesci grumbled, stumbling down the stairs.

Once again, the small clown raced into the room, running past the steps where Pesci stood. A loud scream ripped through his throat. "WHAT WAS THAT!"

Formaggio tiredly took another sip of coffee, "we think it's amelias stand."

Amelia turned up to you with a small smile, "is that thing my friend?"

"I think so." You responded.

Popping your knuckles and rolling up your grey sleeves, you scanned the room. "I guess we gotta catch it to find out."

Melone appeared in the room, already aware of the situation. "Can I help?" He pleaded, clasping his hands together.

"Sure, but be careful. I don't know what it does."

A small, faint jingle was heard again, this time upstairs. The sounds of tumbling, things crashing, and someone screaming echoed through the house. "WHAT IS THAT THING!" somebody, most likely Illuso, yelled.

"CATCH IT!" You screamed back, racing upstairs with the rest of your teammates. 

Once at the top, you frantically looked down each end of the hallway, your eyes landing on the little clown from earlier running into formaggios room. "In there!" You yelled, racing into his bedroom.

You watched the small clown dash around every inch of the room as if it was on a caffeine high. It jumped onto his bed and tumbled over to his nightstand, knocking a few things off. The clown jumped to the windowsill and climbed the curtains that dangled from the ceiling. You immediately dashed into his room and attempted to snatch the clown form the curtains, only to be unsuccessful. A weird, mushy feeling could be felt in your palm of the hand that tried to grab the stand. Opening your fist, your eyes widened at the sigh of a bundle of clay. "Huh?"

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