35- yellow tulips

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(sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes! i wrote this in a rush and will edit it later!)

preventing devan from seeing anything, you cradled his head on your shoulder, the old wooden staircase creaking beneath your feet as you wandered back up to the main floor. upon making it to the top, you open the white cellar door that had closed slightly behind you, only to be met with a concerned yet irritated risotto. "what is that." he deadpanned, gesturing to devan.

"alright, before you say anything-"

"we arent taking in another kid. that's final."

"risotto you have to understand that this kid doesnt have a home anymore." you argued.

risotto narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms."and what happened to priatel, cant she take care of him?"

"well," you choked, not wanting devan to hear. "she's... gone. so is jackson."

risotto sighed, shaking his head. "taking care of an orphaned child is not your responsibility."

you looked down at little boy that snuggled into your shoulder, almost falling asleep. "it was her dying wish. her last words werent 'avenge me' or anything that centered around herself, they were 'take care of him for me, let him know i love him.'"

he pinched the bridge of his nose, sharply inhaling. "i dont... think this is a good idea. youre a mafiosa, and such attachments can be used against you. we're already on thin ice with amelia, who luckily has a stand to protect her, but we might be taking more than we can chew if we take in devan as well."

"listen risotto," you barked, hugging devan close to your chest. "when youre not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives."

his eyes widened slightly before dropping back down again, examining your body. "fair point... youre not hurt anywhere are you?"

you stretched your limbs, waiting for any pain to shoot through your nerves. "no, i dont think so. let's just go home, introduce devan, and then go to sleep. im too tired, and fighting two people in the same day really tuckered me out."

"right." he sighed, following after you.


devan, after getting to the base, explored every inch of the house with amelia, who gave him a welcoming tour. she seemed really happy to have another kid her age, even if they weren't a girl. you were quick to notice that devan had grown attached to prosciutto, following him around the base and mimicking his movements. prosciutto.. wasnt too fond of having devan around to say the least.  he was just fine with amelia, but having to deal with two kids was just too much for him.

melone, however, was ecstatic, already trying to get devan to call him dad despite him only being in the base for an hour. amelia was quick to explain his clingy tendencies toward you, making devan curious about your relationship with the rest men in the house. amelia took no time in explaining the whole 'seven simps go in, one comes out' plan she had, even getting devan involved with her little scheme.

of course, he automatically wanted you to go with prosciutto, only to get shut down by amelia, who told him to 'look for more in a man than just a cool outfit'. at the moment, the two were playing in your room, discussing and talking to each other about themselves. "well, my favorite toy is captain star!" devan beamed, holding out his little robot to amelia.

she nodded, taking the figure in her hand. "my favorite toy is mister noodle, he's a wind up frog that uncle doppio gave mom."

she held out mister noodle, reluctantly handing him over to devan. as they both played with each others toys, amelia decided to start a new conversation. "do you have a little friend like me?"

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