26- forest melancholy

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(this chapter was inspired by the song Next to You by Alicks)

also im sorry i left yall on a cliffhanger please forgive me im sorry-

ok before we get started i made a thing:

golden rule: who the fuck-

y/n: goldie, language.

golden rule:.....

golden rule: whomst the fuck

y/n: no

ok now to the chapter:

you were brought to an empty clearing in a forest... it was small, but full of live. inside the small clearing was a large, red blanket with a basket of treats, a little lantern skewed off to the side full of dimly glowing lightning bugs. the area was atmospheric, cozy and free, but airy and collective. little specks of stars littered across the sky, flickering a white light and igniting the night sky with an enchanting glow. moonlight rested on top of still trees, the shadows of them dancing in the cool, green grass. "w..wow.." you mumbled, drinking up the area with your eyes as if you had been parched of such a beautiful scenery all your life.

"do you like it?" melone murmured into your ear, expectant of your answer.

little squirrels scampered across the ground, racing each other to another tree as the late night birds continued their evening song. "this is so.... amazing.."

you turned around to face him, the pale moonlight basking on his face and framing his features perfectly. you'd be lying if you said you didn't think he looked attractive from this perspective. "is this what you rushed me for?" you asked, your eye wide with curiosity.

pov: melone

stars reflected off of the gloss on her eyes, making them shimmer with enchanting light. the shine of her gloss shifted as she turned to look at me, wonder and amazement making her features look beyond adorable from the surprise. "is this what you rushed me for?"

i looked down at her, praying it was dark enough so she couldnt see my red face. "maybe... do you like it?"

she smiled widely, her grin stretching from cheek to cheek. "yes! of course i do, i love it!"

her words made my heart do flips, making it hard for me not to smile as well. i fiddled with my thumbs, unsure of how to handle her compliment. ive only felt lust to any other person ive met, so why is she so different? i've never been bashful like this, not once in the time i can remember... it's like she has the ability to make or break me as im practically wrapped around her finger. though, i wouldnt mind if that's the case, i would trust her with my life anyways. "i-uhm..." i stammered with my words, almost choking on the air i was breathing.

"there's something else i dragged you out here for..." i mumbled.

(y/n) looked directly into my eyes, only causing my face to heat up more and making me turn away.  "so theres.... a meteor shower or something is happening tonight in a bit... so.."

her eyes lit up, "really?!"

i nodded, making her jump up and down like an excited child, "ive never seen one! this is the best!"

unable to hold back a smile, i chuckled and pulled her to the large red blanket i set out, sitting her down and offering her a few treats i brought. (y/n) happily took them, munching on them with a content smile. that's when i remembered something.

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