28- sleep through your alarms

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(might i suggest the song 'acid rain' by lorn? that song slaps)

heres an extra long chapter for helping me reach 180 followers!  :D

you and club stared back at each other, stands out and ready to attack the moment someone made a move. "why the hell does your boss want me, huh!?" you yelled, taking a step forward.

the club pointed to her mouth, where shiny black electrical tape covered her lips. "eh? just fucking rip it off if you cant speak!" you boomed, throwing your free hand into the air. club just rolled her eyes and pulled the hammer behind her head, preparing to slam it to the ground once more and cause another shock wave.

fearing she may kill your eardrums, you quickly threw your own mace into the ground and launched yourself into the air, shooting yourself up into the sky at an angle. noticing you were approaching a tall building rather quickly, you grappled onto the side of a window and clung there as your life literally depended on it, seeing as how you were hundreds of feet in the air.

annoyed but impressed, club made signals with her hand which you could only assume was sign language. after a moment, her stand picked up on her hand signals and nodded, pressing a series of buttons on its head and twisting a knob until it was at its limit. [the song of the end] clapped its hands together, causing a high pitch ringing to rip from the speakers on its hands.

it aimed them towards the building, allowing the ear bleeding shrieks of sound to bounce onto the glass. "what the fuck is that supposed to do?" you yelled to [GOLDEN RULE], who was covering your ears again. he simply shrugged.

you felt vibrations rumble on your finger tips from the glass. curious to see the cause, you looked back down to the street and saw that clubs stand had made the noise so high pitched that it began shattering the glass windows leading up to where you were. with growing panic, you began to scale the building to the best of your ability to avoid the flying shards of glass that flew your way.

as you climbed, you accidentally pricked your fingers on a few pieces of stray glass, causing you to recoil your arm by instinct. this, unfortunately, made you to begin hanging from the building by one arm. knowing you could die if you kept hanging there, you pushed through the pain and swung your injured arm back onto the ledge you held onto and hoisted yourself up, with a little help from your stand.

club, growing annoyed with your persistence, nudged her stand and made a clapping motion with her hands, then pointed to you. it nodded, beginning to press more buttons on its head and turning a knob. you were almost at the top of the building, safe from the crossfire of shrieks from the stereo and shards of glass when you felt the building begin to shake again. you couldn't hear much at all with [GOLDEN RULE] protecting your ears, but you already assumed who it was.

groaning, you turned around and noticed that [the song of the end] had aimed it hands above you, not below you this time. fearing the worst, you snapped you head back up to face the remainder of the building you had left to climb and almost choked on your own air upon seeing the glass above you shattering to pieces and landing in the direction of your body.

out of reflex, you curled yourself into a small ball and clung to the ledge that would determine your life or death. you felt the spikes of glass dig them self into your skin as they showered from the broken window panes above you. unfortunately, a few landed on your head and cut up your face and scalp a bit, causing you to wince which only made them to shred more of your skin.

eager to relieve you of the pain, [GOLDEN RULE] released one of his hands from your ears and hastily picked a few shards of glass off your arms and legs that way you could still move. he removed a few sticking out from your face and head as well, that way if you fall you wont impale yourself (though falling from this height may kill you anyway).

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