Hey! Trash author here, ready to answer the questions you had on my previous chapters about me! First of all, I want to remind everyone to drink some water while reading this, or I'll crawl out beneath your bed and force you.
Without anymore delay, let's get started!
Our first questions are from @-sincerelyy, an amazing user who drew fan art for my book 'wild cards'!
Their questions were as listed:
-who's your favorite jofoe?
Is this a fucking joke, obviously it's ALL OF LA SQUADRA CAUSE THEYRE DADDY- but on a more serious note, my favorite jofoe is valentine because that man is straight up BEAUTIFUL- yes I'm simping over the president, who's with me 😔👌💗
-Favorite color?
My favorite color is yellow, because it can represent joy and happiness, but also danger and caution. It's a strange color but I like it uwu
-do you think Diavolo deserved to be in an infinite death loop?
uH- Sir/ma'am/person, listen here and listen well... if Doppio didn't care about the boss so much I would personally end the bitch myself if I could. But on the question of if he deserved it? Well, in some aspects yes, but in others no. He was a bad man who did bad things and death is inevitable for everyone. but by Giorno putting him in a death loop he, essentially, made Diavolo have no weakness as he would just die only to be revived again. Meaning even if you 'killed' him, he would only come back to get revenge with a different plan every time.
But that's just my point of view
-where do you get your ideas?
Well normally it's when I'm listening to music that I get an idea. I first think of a scenario that goes with the beat of a song rather than the lyrics. Lyrics can be restricting while a beat can have open possibilities. The beat to a rap song can be used for pop music, such as the melody for one song can be inspiration for multiple scenarios, make sense?
But yeah, like I said, I first think of a scenario or 'music video'/story to go with the beat. Then after that, I break up the story in my head to separate versions and replay the song over and over again to find the perfect outcome of my story. Sometimes, listening to other songs help too. Putting the characters in your story in different scenarios/beats let you see them from a different perspective every time as you put your storyline puzzle together.
I kid you the fuck not I have a whole notepad of just story ideas that I've gained while listening to music. If you all request me doing so I can start a book where I put down random story/ ideas and prompts in so you all can get inspiration an easier way.
-how did you think of your username?
Holy shit this is gonna be funny. Ok so read my name, not the first one you see, but the smaller one. Cactusperson12. That's me.
Why did I choose that name?
Well, just read it.
Read it again.
Do you get it? Do you get why I named myself 'cactus person'?
It's because I'm a prick.
The next two questions come from @CBT-Machine!

Above you and below you (la squadra x fem!reader)
Fanfictionfirst, you get assigned to a hitmen team, then get stalked, and now you're being held hostage against your will with your own child being used against you. how did you, practically the strognest in passione, get in this position? well, here's the s...