19- 'daddy?' DO I LOOK LIKE-

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(I'm sorry for the vine title, the moment I made this chapter I thought of the vine and I have no regrets. -trash author)

"How's your gelato Amelia?"

"It's great mom!" Amelia chirped, a small splotch Of chocolate on the corner of her lips.

"Hold on, you have a little something right there.." you mumbled, swiping your thumb on her cheek. Formaggio turned towards you, an ice cream of his own in his hands,

"You really are like a mom." He chuckled, taking a lick of his ice cream.

Earlier today, it became apparent to you that Amelia was feeling down, so you took her out for ice cream. Formaggio and Ghiaccio, being bored, decided to join you. Everybody was enjoying their ice cream and chatting until a familiar purple outfit caught your eye. "Hm?"

There was author, sitting under a tree on a bench, typing on her laptop with a smile as she was once again listening to music. She paused for a moment, lifting her arms above her head as she stretched, she must have been sitting there for a while. Amelia, upon also seeing author, raced up to the brunette with a wide grin. Author lifted one of her earphones and looked down at Amelia. "Amelia my sweets! How are you!" Author yelled giddily, pushing her laptop to the side.

"I'm great! Mommy, mister ghia, and mister maggio are here too!"

Author turned to you three with a smile, giving a small wave. Facing back to Amelia, author spoke again, "so hows mommies harem?"

Amelia giggled, "they are super duper in love with her! I know it! I even found mister Mel under her bed!" She said in a whisper, making author visibly cringe.

 "What a simp."author murmured, making Amelia nod in agreement. Author didn't want to know how Amelia knew what a simp was, and just went with it.

Author suddenly froze, "oh damn... I just got an idea.." she mumbled, pulling her laptop onto her thighs . 

a mischievous smile graced authors face as she began typing down onto her computer again. "Say, do you want to make things more interesting between mommy and her 'harem'?" She asked Amelia.

Amelia plastered on a devilish expression, one that would truly shake anyone to their core. "Yeah!"

"Well then," author leaned down into amelias ear, cupping the side of her mouth so no one could hear her whispers. No one could make out what author said, but whatever it was, it was bound to cause trouble as Amelia looked more excited than ever.

"That's a great idea! See you around author, I got to go!" Amelia giggled, waddling back to you while holding her ice cream. You shot author a mean glare, eager to know  what it was she told Amelia to do. Author only smiled darkly at you and went back to typing.

"Let's go mom! I'm ready to head home!" Amelia chirped, a hint of mischief lacing her voice.

Ghiaccio cocked an eyebrow, "What's with the change in attitude? What'd she tell you?"

"That's a secret!"

Thinking the worst, you turned around to face author and prepared to deck her, however she was no longer on the bench with her laptop. Dropping your guard, you sighed.'She better not make Amelia do something she'll regret, or I'll beat her ass to a pulp. It's not like she's a stand user anyway, right?' You said to yourself, taking amelias small hand in yours as you, Her, Ghiaccio, and Formaggio walked back to the car.

After arriving home once again, amelias and authors plan was put into action.

And thus, chaos ensued.

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