9-am i worth something?

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@Crybaby_Sawfan thank you for this idea! i hope you like it!  this chapter was made extra long just for you guys as a thank you for almost 3k reads on 'ill be fine'! enjoy!

your back was resting on your bed, your eyes studying the ceiling above you as you zoned out. you hadnt gotten any missions yet this week. did the boss forget about you? about your skill? no, he probably just doesnt want to waste your skill on something small. or maybe he doesnt want one of his best members getting hurt or risk dying again? your thoughts raced as your vision blurred from spacing out.

your sports bra held your chest together snugly, your  grey shorts had ridden up your thigh a bit from your tossing and turning through the night. you fretted about your bosses opinion on you now that you joined a team. you used to be fully capable of taking care of yourself. it was just one time, one time, where you could've died, and even then you lived so why did you need to be apart of a team? you didn't hate your team, you were just upset as you thought your bosses opinion of you lowered since you were told you had to rely on other people just as they had to rely on you.

all of these thoughts made you upset and put you in a terrible mood. a mood that made you feel you could kill anyone any second. your stern face rivaled risottos as you left your room, with nothing but shorts and a sports bra on that exposed your muscles. you didnt care really, the guys in the house walked around with no shirt on, so you could too right?

you angrily walked past each of the boys rooms and stomped your way down stairs, your thoughts plaguing your mind with terrible ideas of what the boss might have thought about you. you used to be one of his strongest members, and now joining a team had made you look weak, right? you didn't know for sure, but the possibility made you angrier as you walked to the basement, ignoring breakfast for the time being.

"good morning (y/n)! oh- whats wrong?" formaggio asked, facing you with a cup of coffee in his hands. his question only made you angrier, you felt like they were almost ordered to watch over you to make sure you dont slip up again.

"leave me alone!" you barked at him, your words seething with venom.

formaggio gave you a shocked look, like he feared for his life. he hadn't seen you this angry since the night you came. well you weren't angry, just upset that doppio had you join a team. but today you weren't just upset, you were overflowing with anger and frustration.

you had a stare down with formaggio for a few seconds. if looks could kill, formaggio would have been slaughtered to unrecognizable pieces. thuds from feet walking down the stairs signaled to you that another person had woken up and were making their way to the kitchen where you and formaggio were.

"oh~ is it my lucky day? seeing (y/n) in nothing but a bra and shorts~.." formaggio shook his head violently at melone, making a 'cut it out' motion with his hand on his throat as he feared for his friend.

"melone.... not today.." you said darkly, your eyes coated with blood lust as you watched him visibly pale. another set of feet came down the stairs as you walked towards the basement. why was everyone waking up at the same time as you, especially when you were pissed?

[GOLDEN RULE] manifested his arm and tugged you more towards the basement door that led to the gym. you were going to step through when you remembered that you probably were going to destroy all the sand and punching bags they had, making you even more frustrated that you would have to clean it up. every little thing ticked you off at this point.

you couldn't hold back much of your anger anymore and punched down the door in one swift swing, it shattered to splinters from the impact. a few chunks of wood flew your way and hit your stomach and sides.

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