Part 1

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"Why is it taken so long for someone to come tell me what's going on!"Paul yelled as he got up from his chair and paced the floor of the waiting room.

"Paul, I know you're upset, but it's not going to do Y/N any good if you're lying next to her in a hospital bed from a heart attack," Eric replied as he pulled his friend back to his chair.

"We've been here six hours, man!" Paul snapped

"I'll go see if I can get some information for you, okay? You sit here and try to lower your blood pressure. Everything is going to be okay," Eric said before walking toward the nurse's station.

Paul sighed and ran a hand down his face trying his best to calm down the overload of emotions hitting him. The whole day had turned into a horrible nightmare, and now everything he loved was in jeopardy, his band and, most importantly you. Paul shook his head as he looked down at his swollen hand, not knowing if he would ever be able to forgive Gene or himself.

"Good news, the doctor is on their way out to talk to you about Y/N. They just finished up a bunch of tests," Eric told him.

"Thank god," Paul whispered as he continued to watch the door.

Within a few minutes, two women headed toward Paul and Eric's chairs in the corner of the waiting room. The singer scrambled to his feet to shake both of the women's hands, taking in a deep breath as he waited to be hit with the news on your condition.

"Mr. Stanley? I'm Dr. Klein. I'm one of the doctors treating your wife tonight." The woman said

"Please call me Paul. How is she, and how bad was the accident?" Paul asked.

"She's got a cracked rib, broken arm, and a few minor cuts, but she should recover quickly, but there's something that did come up in one of the tests we'd like to talk to you about." Dr. Klein said

"Can I see her now? Please?" Paul asked

"Wait, did you guys say something came up in a test? Like something bad?" Eric asked.

"Well depends on how you see it.." The nurse said.

"Tell me later, okay? I want to see her with my own eyes." Paul pleaded

"Room 107," Dr. Klien replied dryly.

Paul pushed past the doctor and ran out of the waiting room toward the back of the emergency room. He quickly found the room and went through the door, finding you asleep in the small bed attached to different machines and your arm already in a cast. He walked softly over toward the bed, feeling the tears already welling up in the corner of his eyes. Paul pushed back some of your hair off of your forehead before placing a small kiss on it, taking in a deep breath to stop the painful sob from escaping his chest.

"I'm sorry, baby, I should have never left you there with them. This is all my fault," Paul sobbed quietly.

He grabbed the chair near the bed, pulling it as close to your side as possible. Paul wanted to be the first person you saw when you woke up, whenever that may be. He watched one of the machines displaying your heart rate and oxygen level before turning back to you. A soft knock on the door echoed through the room, pulling Paul's attention from you.

"Come in," Paul said.

Paul watched as Eric walked through the door holding a small gift bag and your purse. The drummer's face was white as a ghost as he moved into the room. The guitarist stood up from his chair as nausea hit him, unsure if he could take any more bad news for the night.

"What's wrong?" Paul whispered.

"You need to open this, and then go talk to the doctor, man," Eric said as he held out the small bag.

Paul grabbed the drummer's arm and led him back out into the hallway as he felt the anger building back up inside of him. Eric looked back at the door and then back at Paul, holding up the small purple gift bag as he shook his head at the singer.

" Will you tell me what the fuck is going on? I don't have time for these games, Eric!" Paul yelled.

"Listen, I get that you're in pain; we all care about Y/N but stop being a prick, okay? This isn't something I should tell you. Open the fucking bag and then find the doctor. I'll come to check on you two tomorrow," Eric said before walking off.

Paul looked down at the small package and then back at the drummer as he shook his head in confusion. He pushed the door open to your room and took his spot back in his chair. Paul looked back over at you, feeling a small smile pull at his lips before turning back to the bag in front of him. He slowly opened it, finding a card, a zip lock bag, and a small gift box. Paul shook his head as he picked up the small baggie and brought it up to the light revealing a small pink stick.

"No fucking way.." Paul said in shock.

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