Part 27

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(Paul POV)

Next Day

Paul pulled into the parking lot of the rehearsal studio, still grinning from ear to ear from the night before. The two of you had spent most of the night discussing everything both of you wanted to take place at the small ceremony. He had just a few days to get things mapped out before your birthday party. It had been one of the small favors you had asked of the singer besides making sure Pam would agree that Evan could be involved with the nuptials. Paul drummed on the steering wheel, seeing two of his bandmates with the tour manager leaning against the wall, chattering. Paul jumped out of the car and gave a small wave as he headed to the front door.

"Why are you so happy? Did you get laid before you came in?" Eric asked.

"Good morning to you too, Eric, and not that my sex life is any of your business, but no I didn't get sex this morning, but I do have some really awesome news," Paul replied, stopping in his tracks

"Do you want to tell us or are you going to make us wait?" the drummer asked

"Come inside and I'll tell you, because I'm going to need all three of your help and I know I have a little time to explain before Gene gets here." the guitarist said, waving them to follow him.

The singer walked through the small area, down the long hallway to the last conference room in the building. Hearing the chatter of his friends behind him over what the big news was Paul had for them, he felt his grin grow wider. Paul flipped on the light to the room and pulled the piece of yellow paper out of his pocket, taking a seat at the front of the table, waiting for the other men to take a seat.

"Oh god he's got a list. We were done with the setup for the party. What else could you have to do," Eric moaned.

"Ignore him, Paul. Tell us what this big news is," Tommy replied, smacking Eric on the back of the head as he sat down.

"I got a ring for Y/N to ask her to marry me a couple of weeks ago. Well, I had planned to ask her to marry me on the small vacation we were going to go on after her big birthday party this weekend, but I couldn't wait. So last night I asked, and she said, Yes!" Paul said with a laugh.

"Oh my god, I think I'm going to cry." Eric replied, fanning his face.

"Lord, someone gets him some tissues. I can't handle seeing him turn into a crybaby like he did ring shopping," the singer said.

"Congrats Paul, I'm happy that you found your person after the hell you went through," Bruce said, standing up to shake the guitarist's hand.

"Well, I'm happy for you, man. How can we help though, the wedding won't be for a bit, right?" Tommy asked,

"Actually, it's going to be sooner than you think and that's why I'm going to need all the help I can get," the singer said.


(Reader POV)

You laid in bed staring at the ceiling, overwhelmed by everything that had taken place in the last twenty-four hours. The two of you had gone from screaming at each other to being happily engaged, planning a wedding to take place in a few days. Paul had left the house in the greatest mood you had seen him in since the start of the relationship. You already had second thoughts now that the high was over from the proposal and lovemaking that morning.

"Oh, little one, what should we do? Daddy is over the moon to have us all together as a family and mommy doesn't know if it's the best decision. Mommy just doesn't want you to grow up like she did. Your momma and daddy love each other very much, I just don't want to make the biggest mistake of my life and have too many broken hearts." You said, rubbing your stomach.

A grin graced your face at the feeling of the baby kicking against your hand for the first time. You had hoped it would be a moment Paul would be around for. Kicking the covers off of you and heading to the bathroom and turning on the shower to full blast. You stripped off your clothes and looked in the mirror, seeing how large your belly had gotten in five months. Stepping in the shower, you leaned your head into the wall, letting the hot water run down your head and shoulders, as you tried to stop the racing thoughts. Paul had been the best thing that happened to you, besides the love of your father. The thought struck you that what the major problem with marrying the singer too soon.

"Why couldn't mom go instead of dad? At least he could calm the nerves down over being a failure as a wife and mother, unlike that bitch. Pops would have loved being around Paul and little Evan, plus his first grandbaby." You whispered, feeling the tears run down your face.

You quickly washed your hair and body, trying to let the tension drain off of you like the water. Shutting off the water, you went through the process of your morning routine, trying to stay positive about the marriage and your feelings about your dad's approval on everything. An idea flickered in your head as you walked down the stairs, a better coping skill your doctor's back home had taught you when everything had become overwhelming. Going straight to Paul's office and flipping on the light, smiling at the papers scattered across the desk. The singers handwriting all over them with the ideas that you had for the wedding on some page, and some of his on the other.

"I swear he will do anything to make sure I stay happy." You said with a chuckle and took a seat at the desk.

Leaning back in the chair and closing your eyes, you thought back to what the doctor in the emergency room had told you and Paul after you had taken the punch from Jake. It had always scared you to let Paul see the depression and anxiety, in fear he would mock you or, like everyone else, run. Pulling out a piece of paper, you started jotting down a pro and cons list of going back to a doctor. Scribbling as fast as you could for a few minutes, feeling the sadness yet again wash away again as you say more pros. Pushing the list to the side, you grabbed two more pieces and scribbled two names across the top lines of them.

"Let's see if this will actually help get the closure we've been waiting for." You sighed.


(Paul POV)

"Your future wife is as crazy as you. A wedding before her birthday party? Paul, there's no way to pull this off," Eric said.

Paul looked over at the drummer and glared at him, seeing the younger man slump down in the chair. The singer hated hearing anyone say that something couldn't be accomplished, even if it was going to be a time crunch. Paul waited for one of the other two guys to make a comment about the plans to piss him off further. You wanted something that would make the both of you happy, knowing the two of you had been through so much in less than a year paul had no doubts that this was going to be the happy after ever he had been waiting for.

"If you can't handle something, Eric, then get out and go see if your best friend is here so it can really piss me off," Paul replied, not looking up from his paper.

"I apologize, I can help with Y/N, make sure she goes and gets pampered and help her tomorrow with the wedding dress." the drummer said.

"The question is, can you do it without crying?" Tommy asked.

"Probably not, but Tommy and I can help you with the other stuff, but what about Gene?" Bruce asked nervously

All three men busted up laughing as Eric glared at Paul, pissed off that he had told everyone about the jewelry store. Paul winked at the drummer, making the younger man flip him off, before they all looked at the schedule again for the birthday party, not noticing the door opening until a loud cough echoed through the room.

"What are you guys working on?" Gene asked, walking toward the table.

Paul looked over at the other three men, feeling his stomach drop at the looming trouble ahead.

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