Part 43

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(Paul POV)

The singer stared out the window next to his table in the small little diner, sipping his coffee slowly as he watched you for the third time walk toward the entrance before getting cold feet and going back to the car. Paul had hoped the fight would have ended twenty minutes ago, and the two of you would be closer to the cabin, but the singer knew what he had said to you stung and you were trying to make sure you were absolutely ready to talk to him.

"God, why do I have to love the most stubborn woman in the world?" Paul mumbled to himself as he sat his coffee cup down.

"That girl yours? The pacer out there?" A man asked from behind.

Paul jumped and turned to see an elderly couple sitting across the aisle from him. For the first time in a year, the guitarist wasn't sure how to answer the question laid out in front of him. He glanced at the window once more, finding you leaning against the passenger side door of the car, looking at the building.

"She was mine. When the trip started, I don't know now since she won't decide about coming inside. I planned this whole birthday trip for her, actually on Sunday I was planning to marry her, but then this blow up happened." The singer said.

"Oh, I remember those fights he and I had when I was pregnant with our first. The pregnancy hormones can be brutal," The woman said.

"Ahh, a shotgun wedding. I remember Annie's daddy showing up to tell me I was gonna be a husband and a papa. You did the crime so now you gotta pay until one of you gets sick of each other and gets divorced or dies." the man said.

"Bill! Don't scare the boy. We've had a lot of amazing moments over the last fifty years. If you didn't marry me, you would have died single. No one else would have wanted your cracky ass. Do you know what you're having yet?" Annie asked.

"We are having a little girl in about four months. I have a three-year-old little boy from another relationship, but I'd marry Y/N this weekend even if she wasn't pregnant. She's the one." Paul said, smiling at the woman.

"Oh, you better watch out. The first little girl will have you wrapped around her finger and your wallet lighter than ever before." The man said.

"That's what I hear, but my little boy, Evan, already has me that way. Good thing being in a band worked out," the singer chuckled

"The boys will eat you out of house and home, and the girls will rack up your credit card bills and, oh, the time they spend on the phone." Bill said, waving his hands.

"My bandmate has a little girl, so I've seen firsthand what he deals with. It's all worth it, wouldn't you say, sir?" Paul asked the man.

The gentleman was about to answer the question when his wife let out an excited squeal, making both of them jump. She got up from the table and sat next to Paul, patting his knee like she had just found a golden ticket. Paul looked over at Bill, trying not to laugh at the confused expression written all over the man's face.

"I thought My grandson has you and that long tongue freak's picture plastered everywhere in his room. Kiss that's the band and you're Star boy?" Annie said.

"Kiss is my band correct, but it's star child though most people just call me Paul," he replied, standing up from his seat and extending his hand to the two of them

"I'm so sorry," she said, embarrassed

Paul winked and flashed the woman a small smile, seeing her face flush pink. It was a reaction he still loved to pull from women. The singer sat and listened to the two of them bicker back and forth at each other as the server came and filled their cups again. After a few minutes, Paul turned back to his window to see the car was still there, but you were nowhere near it. Panic dowsed the singer as he slid out of his seat and pulled out his wallet, throwing a few bills down. Bill pointed to the magazine section showing the singer you were safe.

"She's been here about ten minutes. Annie, let's get going so he can talk to her. You've run your mouth enough." Bill snapped.

"That's code for: The big baby needs a nap," Annie said.

Annie nodded her head in agreement and stood up, wrapping Paul in a motherly hug for a good minute. The singer suddenly felt calmer about the situation that lay ahead, as the smaller women pulled away from him and looked Paul up and down.

"I'm going to give you a quick bit of advice for marriage. You can do with it what you will. The first thing to remember is that you are both human, and there will be days where the sound of them breathing drives you crazy. There will be bad days, good days, defeats, and wins. As long as you have the one by your side, everything is worth it. When you have doubts, think of the thing that made you fall in love with her in the first place and the biggest thing of all don't think it makes you weak to apologize or admit your wrong to your lover." Annie said, patting the singer on the cheek.

Paul smiled and watched the two walk out of the store, before turning and walking to where Bill had spotted you previously. He ran his hands through his hair, feeling the butterflies build in his stomach as he thought over the older woman's advice and the one thing he loved about you.

"Why am I more nervous to talk to my girlfriend than I am to perform in front of a stadium full of people?" He asked as he reached the aisle.


(Reader POV)

You searched through the magazine racks, finding the latest Hit Parader magazine with a picture of Paul and the guys on the cover. Shaking your head at the small kick that came from your stomach as you smiled down at the photo. You opened the page and flipped to the cover story interview, seeing it had taken place two days after the two of you had met for the first time. Focusing on the picture of Paul and how amused he looked by something happening behind the scenes made your grin grow wider.

"I think that was one of my best performances. Meeting you two nights before really lifted my spirits." Paul said.

"You've just been standing there watching me read? That could count as stalking and you're supposed to be in the diner," You replied, putting the magazine down.

"I was in the diner, drinking my ninth cup of coffee as I watched my girlfriend pace back and forth in the parking lot. A nice elderly couple and I chatted for a bit, then Bill said you had been over here for ten minutes." The singer replied, grabbing your hand.

"Are we going to talk, or did you decide for all three of us?" You asked,

"My decision is made," Paul said, looking down at you with his head slightly tilted.

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