Part 42

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A few hours later,

"Does her first name start with the letter A?" you asked, looking at him from the passenger seat

Paul grinned and kept driving down the road, singing to some random song. You had been on the road for less than an hour and you had been pestering the singer about giving you the name of the baby. It was the only way you could ignore the anxiety, as well as stay awake after the mind blowing sex hours before.

"You're right, it does." Paul said, glancing over at you.

"Spill it," you replied said, annoyed

"The name of our little girl starts with A letter of the alphabet." Paul replied, turning his focus to the road.

"You son of a bitch! It's not funny. I'm sure everyone knows the baby's name, even little Evan." You said, smacking his arm.

"Nah, if Evan knew then you and every stranger he came across would know the name of his baby sister," Paul said, laughing

The two of you stayed quiet for a few minutes as Paul continued driving down the road to the destination. Still singing lightly under his breath to his favorite Beatles song, he reached over to grab your hand to hold. You looked at the singer and then down at his hand, smacking it away from you. Paul sighed and took a few breaths before he spoke again.

"Y/N, this trip is about your birthday, and as one of your presents, I told you I would tell you the baby's name. I just have to do it my way," the singer said sternly.

"Still waiting for the answer about getting married, too." You snapped, turning toward the window.

"Great fucking way to start this. Why do I even bother," Paul mumbled, turning up the radio.

You let out a low chuckle and remembered what Paul had said to the person on the other end. It had been apparent neither of you were happy at the moment, but the thought trickled in that Paul was going to use the vacation to break hurtful news.

"Since our relationship is all drama and lies, are you taking me on this trip to break up with me afterwards? I know you don't want another Pam dynamic, but please believe me, I can raise our daughter with or without you. Just keep that in mind when you're talking to your shrink." You snapped.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

You watched the color in Paul's face drain as he got off on one of the exit ramps and turned into a parking lot of a gas station. Parking the car at one pump, he turned off the engine. The two of you glared at each other for a few seconds before the singer cleared his throat to speak.

"I heard all that conversation, Paul! You want out? Then here's your ticket out. Take the baby and try to see if you can raise a family with Pam. Your band mate thinks she's better for you, anyway. It's clear I can't be the wife you've wanted and you doubt my judgment as a mom since the bipolar announcement!" You yelled, slapping his shoulder.

Paul grabbed both of your hands and stared at you for a moment, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. His expression was too calm for what was happening, making me even more nervous.

"Listen to me and listen closely because I'm tired of all of this shit. I don't know what else I have to do to show you I want you forever! You have two choices. Once we eat in the diner and get all of this negative bullshit out in the open, or we can go back to Los Angeles and I'll pay for you to stay at the hotel until my lawyer can draw up a custody arrangement. It will be over between us." Paul said, staring you in the eye.

You looked at the guitarist, feeling your mouth hanging open. The cold stonewall stare coming from Paul made you shiver as you tried to figure out what to do. Looking out the window, trying to catch your breath and think.

"Fuck this! When you actually become an adult and want to talk, you can find me there." Paul replied, jumping out of the car.

You jumped at the sound of the door slamming shut, making you turn to see the singer's leather covered ass walking toward the entrance to the gas station. Putting your head in your hands and feeling the tears flood down your face. Lifting your head up, you tried to understand how things went from happy and fun to threats of break ups and lawyers.

"You're such an idiot, Y/N! Mom was right. You never know when to shut the fuck up. Now you've put the baby in jeopardy too," you said, sobbing to yourself.

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