Part 49

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(Reader POV)

You checked your reflection in the mirror for the third time, still surprised that the dress fit correctly despite being almost seven months pregnant. You ran your hand across your belly and let out a deep sigh, feeling nervous about the night and what the singer may have up his sleeve for your birthday celebration. It was the first year you would be away from your mother and brother for your birthday, making you long to reach out to them for another chance to fix the broken relationship before the baby was born. You shook the thought from your head and turned to find Paul standing in the door frame, in a black suit with a red tie, making your jaw hang open.

"Well, don't you clean up nicely," You said

"I have to do my best to keep up with a knockout like you. My god you look stunning in that dress." Paul replied.

"Thank god you have good taste. It scared me that I might look like a beach whale in this thing but it fits like a glove," You said, spinning around.

Paul laughed and pushed away from the door frame, making his way over to you. You smiled as he held his arms open to embrace you, which you gladly wrapped around his slender frame. You buried your face in the singer's neck, smelling his cologne and aftershave. Letting out a shaky breath as you thought back to family dinners around your birthday and how many had left you devastated, you felt the tears pull from the corner of your eyes. Paul pulled away from you and held you at arm's length, the smile on his face quickly falling as he looked at you.

"What's wrong?" Paul asked.

"I'm oddly nervous about going out to dinner. Every birthday celebration I've had has ended up with me in tears or at a bar drinking my sorrows away with Michael. I miss him and kinda miss them." You replied.

"Well, I may have a way to fix one of those problems to put that pretty smile back on your face, but we have to talk about this later. The limo is here to take us to the restaurant." Paul said, grabbing your hand.

"Limo?" You asked

"Yes, I wanted all my attention on you and driving takes away from that," He replied, as he winked

"We better get to the car, before this beautiful dress becomes a beautiful mess on the floor," You said, pulling him out of the bedroom door

You pulled the singer down the stairs to the front door, feeling him pull you to a stop as he stopped to check his appearance in the mirror. You rolled your eyes and went toward the kitchen, grabbing your camera bag off of the counter. The singer came around the corner this time, rolling his own eyes at you, as you pulled the camera out and snapped a photo of him. You laughed and took another shot before the singer moved away from the door frame, attempting to grab the thing from you.

"You are not bringing that with you, woman." Paul replied, as he grabbed the device

"We need pictures of this weekend. I'm only going turn thirty once as you keep telling me, and I want to have memories to put in the baby book," You said, with a pout

"I promise that tomorrow I will let you take as many pictures as you want while we are out exploring the town. I'll even have the limo driver take a picture of us now if that will make you happy, but I need you full attention tonight on us. Just like you promised, okay?" The singer asked.

"Deal" You replied.

Paul walked over to one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a little disposable camera, making you grin at the man. You held out your hand to take the smaller device away from the man, watching Paul shake his head at you and put the camera in his inner jacket pocket. You pouted at the singer and crossed your arms in front of your chest. The singer wrapped his arms around you and kissed the side of your face repeatedly until you turned to face him.

"Come on, you know you want to smile," Paul said, moving his lips back to your cheek

"Ugh, our child is going to have your charm. I can see it now. I'm going to have two mini versions of you running around making it hard to be mad or say no," You replied.

"While that may be true, at least with me, you win when you give in," Paul whispered into your ear

"Oh, lord," You whispered, letting out a shaky breath

The singer moved his lips away from your ear and brushed them against your mouth, making you sigh before you wrapped your arms around Paul. He placed both of his hands on either side of your face, slowly kissing you. You moved your hand up to the singer's hair, pulling it slightly as he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, requesting access. You gasped, allowing the guitarist to slide his tongue into your mouth, both of you exploring the other's mouth. The sound of the doorbell ringing caused the two of you to pull apart quickly, chuckling as you attempted to catch your breath.

"Saved by the bell," Paul said, before he turned away from you and adjusted himself

"We better go or this dinner will not happen," You replied, walking toward the door.

"Well, if you weren't so damn beautiful, maybe I could keep my hands to myself. There is always the limo," the guitarist stated, as he opened the front door.

You felt the heat rise in your body at the singer's comment as you watched him talk to the limo driver. You turned and looked at the stretched limo parked near the curb in awe. It still shocked you that the singer would go to any lengths to make sure you were happy. Wiping your eyes gently, you walked toward the door, attempting to open it. Paul ran over to you and stood in front of the door, smiling at you as he dug into his other pocket, pulling out another small white box with a small red bow on it.

"What is this?" you asked

"Do we really have to have this discussion again?" Paul asked

"I know it's a gift, but what is it? That's my question," You asked again, slapping his arm

"The future, Ill explain more when we get to the restaurant. Just take this and hold on to it until I tell you to open it," Paul replied, before opening the door waving you inside.

You took the small package from the guitarist and slid into the back of the car, feeling the butterflies building in your stomach. The singer's words replayed in your head as you moved the gift around in your hand, wondering if Paul had finally decided on making you his wife before the baby was born.

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