Part 3

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Paul sat down at a table as far in the back of the cafeteria as possible, waiting for the other two men to join him. Taking a quick sip of his coffee and checking his phone for a second time, making sure the volume was loud enough to hear. He looked up, seeing Eric walking over with a tray full of enough food to feed three people.

"You eating for two there?" Paul said, grinning.

"No, stress just makes me super hungry," Eric replied.

"What the fuck are you stressed about? It's not your girlfriend in a hospital bed," Paul asked, trying to check his emotions.

"Eric, do you purposely try to piss him off?" Bruce asked.

Paul took another sip of his coffee, staring at the drummer, waiting for a reply. The table stayed quiet for a few minutes as the other two men ate. Paul tried to remember everything that he needed to do and rearrange to be with you as much as possible.

"So, are you going to call the family?" Bruce asked.

"Who's family?" Paul asked, confused.

"Y/N's, Paul, don't you think they need to know she was in an accident and well the baby?" Eric asked.

Paul leaned back in his chair, trying to process his friend's questions. He knew you wouldn't want them to know anything that went down because they wouldn't care. As a father, if something happened to his son, Paul knew he would like to know even if there had been a fight between him and Evan when he was older. There was also the news of the baby to tell them about what your mother had eerily predicted.

"I don't know if that would be such a smart move, with how much bad blood there is between them and not knowing what the outcome will be with all of it. Plus, telling them about the baby that should come from her," Paul said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You should probably at least let Pam and Gene know what's going on," Eric told him.

"You're kidding me. Gene's the reason why Y/N is in a COMA!" Paul snapped as his phone began to ring.

Paul groaned, seeing the number flashing across the screen, standing up to be out of earshot from the other two. He took a deep breath, trying to prepare for the fight that was going to spark. The singer knew his ex-girlfriend would not take it well that he was stationed at the hospital.

"Hey Pam, now's not a good time for me to talk. Can I call you back?" Paul asked as he crossed his fingers at his side.

"No, you can't! You're supposed to have Evan this week, and you're not at home. Shannon said, you beat the stuffing out of Gene, and Y/N is in the hospital." Pam fired back.

"How the fuck does she know about Y/N? I'm going to need you to keep Evan just for today, alright?" Paul replied.

"Just because she's in the hospital doesn't mean you can drop your responsibilities as a father, Paul! As for who told me, that doesn't matter. Come get our son now, or I'm calling the attorney," She fired back.

"I'm not dropping my responsibilities, Pam. Do you really want our two-year-old hanging out at a hospital? Seeing Y/N in a coma and having to answer a million questions on why someone he loves is sick? I think my lawyer would side with me on that one." Paul asked through gritted teeth.

"At least come and see him for a bit. I have some things to do today," Pam sighed.

"Fine, Pam." He snapped as he hung up the phone.

Paul sank to the floor, grabbing his chest, feeling his heart beating out of control and his throat closing. He looked over at his bandmates running toward him in a panic. Paul tried to wave them away in a silent request for them to let him be for a moment. Both men ignored the request and wrapped their arms around Paul, pulling him back up to his feet.

"What happened? Do we need to get a doctor?" Bruce asked.

"Paul? Talk to me man, is Ev okay?" Eric pushed.

"It's all falling apart. Everything is ruined! The girl I love is in a coma because of me not standing beside Y/N, and she's pregnant with my baby. Then Pam thinks I'm neglecting my son and is demanding I come to get him or we are going back to court. I can't fix this!" Paul sobbed.

"Maybe going and getting Evan for a bit would help you. One of us will stay here with Y/N until you can get back, okay?" Eric told him.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Just make sure you call me if anything happens with Y/N." Paul replied,

"Okay, But go clean up first. You smell horrible," Eric said.

Paul chuckled and punched his friend in the shoulder before shaking both men's hands. He grabbed his car keys out of his pocket, heading toward the parking lot to see the most important person in his life.


An Hour Later

Paul checked his reflection in the side-view mirror as he exited his car. Taking his drummer's advice, he had gone to the house and cleaned up so as not to scare his two-year-old son by his disheveled appearance. He sighed, seeing his eyes were semi-blood shot, but there wasn't a lot he could do about that.

He ran up the stairs to the house knocking three times on the door, grinning softly to himself, as Paul heard the scream of his son running toward the door. Pam opened the door, rolling her eyes at the sight of the singer standing there. Paul squatted down and held his arms open for Evan to run to him.

"DADDY!" Evan screamed.

"Hiya, Bubba," Paul said as he kissed the little boy on the side of the face.

Evan wrapped his arms around his father's neck and kissed his forehead. Paul felt his eyes well up from the little boy's reaction to seeing him, slightly wondering if his new son or daughter would feel the same way.

"You back home now? Where Y/N" Evan asked.

Paul looked from his son to Pam, unsure of how to really respond to the question. Pam threw her hands up at the singer before walking out of the room. Paul rolled his eyes at the woman, not l surprised at the reaction. She had been inconvenience by Paul in her book and now was going to give the silent treatment.

"How about we go play at the park for a bit?" Paul asked.

"Go see Y/N at your house," Evan countered.

"We can go to Daddy's house, but Y/N is still on her trip," Paul replied.

"Okay!" Evan yelled.

"Pam! We are leaving. I will call you later to decide on a game plan," The singer said.

"Sure, whatever." She said.

Paul shook his head and put his son on the ground, grabbing his hand as he led him out the door toward the SUV. The singer scooped up the toddler spinning him around. Paul chuckled as Evan giggled and squirmed around, trying to get away. He put his son into the car seat and buckling him in. Paul attempted to close the door when Evan grabbed his hand.

"What's up, bubba?" Paul asked, looking down at his son.

"It's gonna be okay, daddy. I love you," Evan replied.

Paul turned his head away from his little boy wiping a tear out of his eye, and took a deep breath. The singer did not want to frighten Evan and wasn't even sure he would stop himself if the tears started. He turned back around and kissed the side of the toddler's head. Paul brushed Evan's hair away before looking his son in the eye.

"You're so smart, Evan, don't let anyone ever tell you any different. Daddy loves you very much, and your right everything is going to be okay." Paul told him.

Paul smiled at the little boy before shutting his door and climbing into the driver's seat. He grabbed his sunglasses off the dashboard and put them over his eye. Paul backed the car out of the driveway. He headed toward his house, forgetting about the party that had taken place there days before and what the house's condition was when he had left for the hospital.

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