Part 17

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"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. Your boyfriend called and told your aunt! What, you too afraid of getting your ass handed to you so you made him contact us? She hissed.

"Mom, if Paul called you, I promise you I did not know of it, but then again, I was kinda busy trying to stay alive." You replied.

"It's just like you, Y/N, make an excuse for everything. You dropped out of school. It was because the kids picked on you too much or you had anxiety. You lost a job because the boss was trying to make out with you in the cooler. You told that punk that we hit you, but did you ever tell him what YOU did to Jake or me to get yourself in that situation." Your mother scoffed.

"I make excuses for everything? What about you and Jake, or fuck Melissa? Let's take a quick trip down memory lane and remind you who was there when dad died or when your sweet baby boy put you in the hospital. It was my so-called hippie boyfriend and me!" you yelled.

"Jake has a drug problem. He can't help that, and you are the firstborn girl in the family. I dealt with worse than you ever had to. You just run from all of your problems, that's your problem, and that's probably what you'll do with that bastard. Just like your father left me to raise you because he was too weak. Thank god for your stepfather. You left me in the hospital and Jake rotting in jail again. I'm sure everyone has this bad idea of who your family is." She replied.

"Mom, you need a lot of help if you can't see the damage you've cost to either of your kids. For you to compare me to my father is sickening. You gave no one that stood up to you a fighting chance. If anyone disagreed, you just pushed them to the breaking point. I'm your daughter, and I have your first granddaughter or grandson. Can you just put this all behind us?" You asked.

"Will you bail your brother out and help me get caught up on the house payment?" She countered.

You covered your mouth and listened to her continuing to rant on how much you owned her. The tears streamed down your face, and you hoped one day your child was never on the end of the line feeling as you did now. You looked over at a picture of Evan and yourself. Seeing something different in your own eyes than you had ever seen with the woman that was half responsible for bringing you into the world. Finally, after letting her vent for nearly three minutes, you cut her off.

"No, mom, I'm not an ATM anymore, nor is my boyfriend. It is time for you and my brother to stop running from your mistakes. You're never going to be what I need you to be, and I can't risk my child's life because of the turmoil this family will continue to put me through. If me not helping the two of you means you cut me out of your life, then you've already given your grandchild the greatest gift ever." You told her, wiping the stray tears away.

"I wish you were never born Y/N. I hope the hippie never tires of you because you have no place in my family anymore!" She screamed before hanging up.

You stared down at the phone in shock that money was the final straw that broke your relationship with your mother. Putting the phone back on the base, you climbed back up the stairs toward the master bedroom. The tears streamed down your face as you climbed into bed. Grabbing the pillow from Paul's side of the bed and pulling it over to you. You buried your face into the pillow and sobbed violently as every childhood memory played through your head until exhaustion finally took over.


(Paul POV)

A few hours later,

Paul followed the drummer to the back of the small Mexican restaurant the two had stopped in for lunch. The singer pulled his sunglasses off of his face and clipped them to the front of his shirt. They placed their drink order quickly. Paul started fidgeting with his rings on his left hand, debating on sharing the news from the doctor that had been bothering him or asking him for help on a surprise for you.

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