Part 23

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(Paul POV)

Paul and Eric in the mixing booth watching through the glass as Gene and Bruce worked on the guitar parts for the song the singer had written for little Evan. The singer glanced over at the clock, letting out a sigh of relief as the clock displayed 1 pm, two hours after Pam was to be at his house to pick up the little boy. Hearing laughter, Paul turned back around to see Gene goofing off, and a very pissed off Bruce. Paul looked over, seeing Eric already shaking his head at the entire scene.

"You would think after the big fit he pitched over doing this fucking album, he would take it more serious," Paul said.

"Oh, Gene will once he gets to work on his songs. Gene hates to be one upped, and that's exactly why he is acting like a two-year-old," Eric replied.

"You picked up on that pretty quick, and you've done one album," the singer replied with a laugh.

"Why don't you two make yourselves useful and order food. I'm starving," Gene called.

"When aren't you starving?" Bruce asked

Paul and Eric looked at each other, shocked by the bold comment from the usually quiet guitarist, and went into a fit of laughter. The two men jumped at the sound of the phone in the room ring, and looked at each other, waiting to see who would actually move to grab it first. Finally, after a few seconds, Paul caved and jumped up, rushing to grab the damn device before the other person hung up. The singer snatched the phone off of the wall and pulled it to his ear.

"Yeah?" Paul asked into the phone.

"This is Linda up front. Paul's ex-wife and son are up front to see him," Linda replied.

"Linda, I'm wounded, that you don't recognize my beautiful voice. Do you mean, Evan and Y/N are up front or Evan's mom?" the singer asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Paul, it's Pam and Evan. She said to get down here immediately," she replied.

"I'll be right up," Paul said, running his hand through his hair.

"I will let her know," Linda replied before disconnecting the line

"Fuck!" the singer yelled, hanging the phone up.

Paul looked up to see all three members of his band looking at him with raised eyebrows. Throwing his hands up in the air, Paul grabbed his jacket and walked out the studio door, knowing trouble was looming in the lobby. The singer had secretly prayed that the pickup would go off well and maybe it would make Pam ease up on you watching the three-year-old. The singer put the jean jacket on and rounded the corner, finding his ex tapping her high heel foot annoyingly.

"Can you call him again please, I have better places to be!" Pam snapped.

"Ma'am, please keep your voice down. This is a business and there really is no reason to yell in front of the sweet boy," Linda replied.

"Pam? What are you guys doing here?" Paul asked, holding out his hands to take Evan.

"Why was that woman watching our son and filling his little head full of lies?" Pam asked.

"Linda, is there a conference room available? I really don't think either you or Evan should hear this." the singer asked, looking over at the desk.

"The one next to the studio the band is working in, is available. Here, let me have the little man," Linda said, taking the boy.

Paul pointed down the hallway and started walking, hearing his ex's footsteps clicking right behind him. The singer tried to take deep breaths in and out, to control his anger, not wanting the looming fight to be caught by someone walking by and it ending up on the front page of the paper somehow. Opening the door, he steered for Pam to enter, seeing her look around the room and roll her eyes. Paul shut the door and took a seat, having flashbacks of the first mediation meeting he and the woman had over custody.

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