Part 9

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You were cleaning up the aftermath of dinner as Paul came down the stairs with the baby monitor in his hand. Sighing, he sat down on the barstool and sat the monitor down. The two of you stayed quiet for a few minutes as you finished up the dishes and shut the water off.

"Did he give you a rough time?" You asked, wiping your hands off.

"You have no idea. You feeling okay?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, It's a weird little being back here, and Evan kinda shocked me a bit when we were upstairs," you told him, leaning on the counter.

"You're where you belong, sweetheart, but I'd be lying. It's not a little weird, but I'm happy you are. What did my boy say to you." The singer told you

"Evan asked if I was going to be leaving like you do, and when I told him no, he said he loved me. I've never seen someone that young be so intuned with someone's feelings," you said, shaking your head.

"I'm his dad, and he stuns me still. When I had to pick him up from Pams', he grabbed my hand in the car and told me it was all going to be alright," Paul replied as he looked at you.

The two of you stayed quiet for several moments as you tried to ignore the singer's intense stare. You moved away from the counter, attempting to walk into the living room when Paul's hand grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him. You arched your eyebrow at him, confused by the action. He brushed his calloused fingertips across your face causing the hair in your arms to stand up.

"Have I told you how happy and thankful I am for you?" Paul whispered.

You shook your head no at the man, unsure if you would actually be able to articulate a sentence under his gaze and gently touch. Looking in the singer's eyes, seeing the tears forming at the corners mirrored the ones in yours. Paul moved his thumb up to your eye, brushing away the few tears that strayed away.

"I love you, Y/N, this whole month has been horrible, and I should have given you a chance to come back, and I'm so sorry for that. I'm excited about having another baby, especially one with my beautiful knockout girlfriend," Paul said, leaning in to kiss you.

"I love you too Paul, I want this to work out. I can't raise this baby around those people. He or she needs a fair chance," you replied, kissing him back.

"What if we got married?" The singer asked

"Are you crazy? We've never discussed that or kids for that matter, now I'm home a day, and you're asking?" You countered, pulling back

"Not proposing, baby. Believe me, if I was, it would knock you off your feet. We can discuss it when you're ready but just know I want you by my side forever," Paul said, standing up.

"I'd marry you if we worked on the relationship more, like talking and stuff, not just crazy sex nights. Go out and learn about each other more," You replied

"Don't act like those nights and days aren't the best or that you don't miss it." He said with a wink

"Paul Stanley! I'm serious right now!" You said, smacking his arm.

"Don't blame me for wanting my woman! Yes, I agree, though, but can we please go to bed now? I'm tired," he asked, holding out his hand.

You rolled your eyes and took the guitarist's hand standing on your tiptoes to kiss him gently. He smiled into the kiss and pulled you up the stairs toward the master bedroom. The two of you quickly change and climb into bed. Paul rolled over on his back, pulling you tightly against him like he feared you would disappear. You moved your head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and his soft humming.

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