Part 30

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"You go to a band meeting, and then suddenly you don't want to marry me. Are we just going to end it now?" You asked,

"Wait, I meant not this weekend, we need to have our heads on straight." Paul stammered.

You looked at Paul, seeing his eyes already filling back up with tears, as your own streamed down your face. Hurt by the singer's sudden change of heart. You had been over the moon in a lot of ways to be married and have a child with the man you never thought you could have, but now he didn't want you any more. Wondering where you would go now if Paul wanted time to think your relationship over.

"Y/N, I didn't explain myself. Can you listen to me, without throwing food at me or running off?" Paul asked.

"Let me hear what you have to say first and then Ill decide." You replied, glaring at him.

"We've been together a short time, with difficulties. I love you, truly I do, but I need to work on myself, go back to therapy, and maybe you should, too. I see the worry on your face about being a mom and a wife. We need to know each other better. I need to know that I can be a good husband to you. You know you want to make sure you can be there for our family and break that cycle." the singer said.

"Thank god, you think we both need to grow more before we get married. It hurts how you brought it up. I won't lie about that. Couple's counseling will be good, but also I want to see someone alone. I was going to talk to you when you got home." You said.

Paul looked at you in shock at your words as he wiped the tears away from his face. You leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly. As you tried to pull away, the guitarist grabbed you, pulling you onto his lap, as he put one hand on your belly, and the other one on your middle back, rubbing it slowly.

"I'm going to go back to my old therapist from back in the day. Maybe he will have suggestions for you and for our sessions together. Probably it isn't wise for us to use the same person for everything." Paul stated.

"How about we leave the doctor's and therapist's stuff for tomorrow, and go do something fun? Take me on a date, old man." You said, moving away.

"Oh old man, now? I think you get more sass with each month of your pregnancy. I love it and kinda hate it." Paul replied, standing up and grabbing you.

"The little blimp kicked for the first time today. I wish you would have been here to feel it," you said, grabbing the singer's hand and moving it to your belly.

"Aww I missed it, my little girl is already hiding from daddy." Paul replied,

You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled at him, seeing how happy the singer was talking to your stomach. Stroking the back of Paul's neck, feeling his muscles relax under your touch. He looked back up at you, smiling as though he had won the lottery. You kissed his lips repeatedly and pulled back, realizing what the older man had said when talking to your belly.

"You are already sure that it's a little girl, hmm?" You asked,

"I have my fingers crossed. We are going to have a little girl. If not, we gotta figure out a boy's name," Paul said with a smile.

"I have one picked out that I want to use, so I think we have it covered on that front. Now it's just getting the other bedroom ready for the little one. Back to this date. I'm going to get out of my pajamas and get ready to go out. Give me twenty minutes?" you replied, heading toward the stairs.

"How about you let me apologize to you, upstairs, and then we can both get ready together?" the singer asked, looking up at you

"Nope, that's something else that we need to stop, trying to have sex all the time, as much as I love you all over my body. Let's get out of the house and talk, get our minds off of this conversation." You said sternly,

"We aren't canceling your party goofball, and the guys know we may hold off on the wedding that night. Go get out of your pajamas, and get your beautiful ass ready to go." the singer said, pointing at the stairs.

"Yes, Sir," you replied, running up the stairs.

"Okay, you know what that does to me! Now I'm going to fuck you like I wanted, and you can get ready for my mind blowing date." Paul said, following behind you.


Two Hours Later

Paul pulled into the small shopping center. He had taken you to the day after you had moved to California for clothes. Feeling your face turn red and the butterflies flutter in your stomach, as the memories of the singer fucking you inside the dressing room, with no worry that someone in the store could hear anything coming from the both of you.

"If you want to go down memory lane over there, I'm more than happy to meet your needs, sweetheart. Another thing I like about you being pregnant, we make love more often." Paul said,

"Honey, I don't think we will ever stop fucking each other like two teenager. Which reminds me after this little one comes, birth control is a must. I don't want five before you decide we can go through with the marriage." You replied, opening the car door.

"Oh baby girl, that glow you have right now carrying our baby has you looking so beautiful. I can't help but want to keep making babies with you." the singer said, following behind you.

"Ah, so people were right about you being a kinky person," you told him

Paul laughed and grabbed your hand, walking down the sidewalk window shopping as you passed each store. The singer came to a haul in front of a small shop, peering in to see what all was inside. You looked at him confused by his excitement, and moved around to see what he was looking at, and instantly shook your head at the singer. Paul pulled you around the corner and moved so no one could see the developing tears.

"Why don't you want to look for baby items? It won't be as crazy as the mall was. There's something you're not telling me about why you keep pushing this off, and the baby is coming no matter what." Paul said,

"I don't want to jinx it, okay? We are both overly excited and when I'm happy, it gets destroyed. I don't want to buy clothes or furniture and not know if it's a girl or boy. You'll hate me if I lose your baby, and it will be another bigger factor of you saying no to us getting married." You snapped, looking down at the ground.

"Y/N, baby, you've been happy for the last six months, and what did you feel this morning?" Paul asked.

"A kick, but that has nothing to do with this conversation!" you said

"Stop there. You felt the baby kick and gave you a sign that all is well. Don't let your mind go to a negative, over waiting for us to get married, because the impulsive me would take us to the nearest courthouse to do it. I don't think you deserve that Y/N, and your dad would kick my ass if he was here, and you didn't have the perfect wedding." The singer said, pulling your chin up.

"I don't want to be that person again, the one you saw glimpses of when you came down months after the bar. If you would have listened to me," you snapped,

Paul opened his mouth to reply, when you shoved him hard, making his back hit the brick wall. You walked down the sidewalk, ignoring the singer calling your name behind you.

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