Part 35

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The two of you sat down with your plates and pushed your drinks over to the side. Paul dug into his plate immediately like he hadn't eaten in three days. You looked at him, shaking your head as you started poking around at your salad. The singer looked up at you with raised eyebrows and a small smirk as he reached for his drink.

"You know you can't use that line anymore, anyway. You are dating someone now," You replied, pointing at him with your fork.

"Correction engaged," Paul corrected you.

"Whatever, anyway, that lame joke is now history," You said, taking another bite

"You're right sweetheart, that joke isn't needed anymore. Since I found something that I enjoy eating as many times a day as I can, there's a lot of proof in that," He replied, pointing at your stomach.

"Paul Stanley!" You hissed.

"You started this. Now eat and feed my daughter. After I finish this plate and rest for a minute then, I'll tell you a brief story." Paul said,

"Yes, sir," You replied, with a smirk.

You ate in comfortable silence, both of you making trips to the buffet lines until you both finally stopped for dessert. The waitress made another round to your table, filling up your glasses. Both of you and Paul gave her a smile. You felt your stomach flip-flops, and you weren't sure if it was from the overload of food, the baby not agreeing with what you fed her, or waiting for Paul to give you a glimpse of his own childhood history. The singer drummed his fingers on the table and looked around the room, as though he was trying to work up the courage.

"My parents weren't happy people, they were not supportive of one another, and for damn sure were not supportive of me. They left me to figure out a lot of things on my own, and that left me feeling unsafe. Which, from what I noticed with you, there may be similar situations that your parents did the same to you as well. My sister Julia had a lot of problems and was in and out of mental hospitals. They would have to go out searching for her and since they labeled me the good kid, I got free licences to do whatever I pleased. No boundaries and tough love. That's how I lived." Paul explained.

"Is that why you are so hands on with Evan, making sure you reassure him you love him? Is that why you feel the need to do that to me?" You asked, reaching across the table to grab his hand.

"Yes, because I don't want my son and daughter to grow up thinking that they have to fight the world by themselves. The world is cruel. I dealt with having basically no right ear. My parents felt if we did not talk about it, then it didn't exist. Y/N, you see therapy as a bad thing, like it makes you weaker, but it doesn't. I've been going since I was fifteen. It's okay to have a neutral person to help you figure things out." The singer continued,

"Was Julia as bad as Jake?" You asked, cringing at your question.

"You know, one time she came home from the mental hospital and left her alone with me. She got pissed off about something she chased me into the bedroom. I luckily got the door locked in time and hid. Julia took a hammer to the door, trying to get to me. She finally gave up and left. When mom and dad got home, I was the one that got the ass whooping," he said, taking another drink from his cup.

"Jake chased me through the house with a kitchen knife because I wouldn't let him go outside. It was the rules while mom and dad were at work. Locked myself in the bathroom for eight hours. I think he was nine," You said with a shrug.

"They have similarities, but no one is exactly the same, since we are all different people. I just want to lead a healthy life with a wife and children. Try my damndest to make sure they are happy, and you and I are beating our heads against the wall to communicate. I love you, Y/N, that's what I know in my heart. Our past is our past. Jake, Julia, your mom, and my parents don't matter in what we have." He said matter-of-factly.

You smiled at him and wiped the tears away from your eyes before they ran down your face. The singer pulled out his wallet and threw down a couple of bills and waited to see if you had anything to say. You thought back to your own childhood, and the words that stuck to you that your parents had said. They came out the most when you were down. If we don't talk about it, then it didn't happen, like your diagnoses. It was also your family mantra. Your trauma differed from the singer's, but you both had the same goals for your children.

"I'm glad you shared that with me, Paul. It means a lot and I'm pleased we have the same goals for our family. I just have to wait for you to decide if you are going to marry me or not before our daughter is here," you replied, standing up.

"You get into a couple of sessions with your therapist and we will see where we are at in a couple of months, okay? Now let's get this black cloud away from us and get stuff for your birthday trip." He replied, grabbing your hand.


A Couple Hours Later

"Okay, we agree on the theme of her room being Winnie the Pooh, but you are putting too much pink stuff in the cart, Paul. Just because we are having a little girl doesn't mean she has to wear nothing but pink." You said, glaring at him.

"How about some purple then, since that is one of her daddy's favorite colors?" Paul replied with a huge grin.

"You get to pick out four outfits, and then I'll get four gender neutral colored outfits. We already have stuffed animals and all this stuff like we are going to Alaska or something. I'm ready to go home and rest before you take me away somewhere for my stupid thirtieth birthday." You stated, leaning on the cart.

Paul ventured back into the mound of baby clothes, completely ignoring your comment. You never thought you would date a man that enjoys shopping more than you did. Looking up, you noticed a short, blonde man walking toward you with two tall, dark-headed men. Instantly making you panic when you realized it was Eric, Tommy, and Gene. You looked back toward where Paul had drifted off to. You crossed your fingers to your side, hoping he would appear to deal with his friends.

"Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought Paul would get all the gear ready by himself." Eric asked, pulling you into a hug.

"Well, we had an appointment with the OBGYN this morning, so I tagged along with him." You replied, smiling at the drummer.

"Yeah, that's how it's been for the last year, right? You are just his little knocked up tag-a-long," Gene asked.

"How are you Tommy? You babysitting Eric today so he doesn't cause any chaos?" You asked, ignoring the bassist completely.

"That's pretty much my job, especially for these two. Did you all find out what you are having yet? We all, correction Bruce, Eric and I bet that it's another boy." Tommy said, coming to give you a half hug.

"Actually, we are having a little girl, and apparently her father is already wrapped around her finger with shopping for everything right now. Speaking of which, do you all know why Paul is buying all this winter type stuff?" You asked.

Tommy and Eric looked at each other than you, as though they wanted to give you a hint, but also didn't want their asses kicked by the singer. Paul emerged holding more onesies, this time with yellow and green colors on some of them. You grinned and winked at the singer, happy that the two of you were listening to each other.

"What are you guys doing here? I figured you would be at the studio working on the Gene album," Paul said, glaring at the bassist.

Eric looked at Paul like he had grown three heads and went to open his mouth, then quickly closed it, waving at the guitarist to follow him. Both Paul and Tommy followed behind the smaller man, and you watched Paul look at his road manager with his head tilted. Feeling like you could throw up when you looked back at the bassist, seeing his trademark sneer.

"Well, since they ran off, maybe you and I should walk around, maybe talk for a bit?" Gene asked.

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