Part 14

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Later That Day

"Mr. Stanley, you need to calm down. We are just running some tests, but everything seems to be fine." A man explained.

"What do you mean, everything seems to be fine? My girlfriend, pregnant girlfriend at that, just passed out in the mall for no reason at the sight of people being around us. She's been in the hospital now twice in one week. Fucking figure it out or find a doctor that can," Paul snapped.

You stirred in the bed, causing both the singer and doctor to turn in your direction. The guitarist moved away from the other man and was by your bedside within two steps as you opened your eyes. Paul grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth, waiting for you to focus on your surroundings and him being beside you before he tried to speak to you. You ran, brought a hand to your head, and grimaced at the pain radiating in your head.

"What happened? Why are we in the hospital? Is the baby okay?" you sputtered out.

"Calm down, sweetheart. Okay, don't overexert yourself. You passed out when the fans gathered around us at the mall." Paul stated.

"What about the baby? How long am I here for?" You asked.

"I think Dr. Davis could answer those questions for you," Paul said, pointing at the other man in the room.

You glanced overseeing an older man walking toward your bed with a friendly smile and kind eyes, making you feel comfortable in seconds. Paul let go of your hand and took a seat next to you, making you frown for a moment at the loss of contact. The doctor read over your chart briefly and then lifted his head with the same smile dancing across his face. Dr. Davis pulled over the chair next to your bed, taking you by surprise for a moment at the causal action.

"So, as your boyfriend said, my name is Dr. Davis, but please call me Scott." He said, extending his hand.

"Okay, Scott, can you tell me what's going on and if my baby is okay?" You replied, shaking his hand.

"You're just as impatient as your boyfriend here. Everything is perfect with your little one. They are growing like weeds. Your test results look okay. It just looks like from reading over your medical history, it was a mild anxiety attack. Just going to have a terrible headache and a goose egg. You're free to leave whenever." Scott replied.

"What can we do about anxiety?" Paul piped up.

"Well, Mr. Stanley, I think therapy is great for anyone and everyone. We can all learn and fix something about ourselves if we are willing to. My other suggestion is, enjoy this time together and relax, have fun when you feel up to it, Y/N, you're both too young to be so tightly wound." The doctor replied, standing up from the chair.

The older man patted your leg and walked out the door, leaving the two of you alone for the moment. You tried to think what had caused the panic to hit so strongly when the feeling of callous fingers trailing down your arm snapped you away from the thought. Paul looked at you with his infectious grin that stopped you dead in your tracks in seconds. Feeling your face heat up at the ideas that started running in about what you would like to do with the singer although you were stuck in a hospital bed.

"What are you thinking about?" Paul asked, amused

"Oh, just about what the doctor told us," you said, moving your eyes from the singer's mouth to his eye.

"Oh, really?" Paul asked, standing up and leaning over the hospital bed.

"Yes, and getting out of this room, I've spent too much time in the hospital this week," you told him, avoiding eye contact.

You fidgeted with the blanket, hoping Paul would leave it at that for the moment, not wanting the nurse or doctor to get a show starring the lead singer of KISS. That hope got shattered when Paul kissed your cheek, brushing his nose softly against it before moving over to your earlobe, switching between nipping and running his tongue lightly against it. The singer smiled against your neck as you trembled slightly with his teasing kissing.

"Paul, we need to stop. What if they come in?" You whispered.

"Then they see we are following doctor's orders and unwinding," Paul whispered with a smirk, moving his mouth closer to yours.

You tried to push him away from you, but Paul grabbed your hand, holding it down at your side, and crushed his mouth against yours. Exchanges of soft kisses became hot and wet ones full of need as the singer ran his tongue across your bottom lip. The two of your tongues moved against each other as the two of you explored each other's mouths. Paul placed his hands on the side of your face, keeping you as close to him as possible with the bed blocking access. You broke away, trying to catch your breath, as the singer leaned his forehead against yours. Paul kissed your forehead, then pulled out and sat back down in his chair like nothing had happened.

"You are going to be the death of me. I swear." You sighed.

"Oh, believe me, Y/N, I'm not done with you at all. As soon as you have the strength." Paul replied, winking at you.

"Please, Mr. Stanley, you should worry about that heart of yours being able to keep up with me, old man." You replied, grinning at him.

Paul groaned and stood up, moving to kiss you again just as a nurse walked through the door with a stack of paperwork for you to fill out and review. You tried to listen to everything thrown at you, but your head was thinking about what would take place back at home, causing your face to heat up and desire to pool in the pit of your stomach.

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