Part 20

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A Few Days Later

(Paul POV)

The singer sat behind his desk in the little office in the house, scribbling down a to-do list. Your birthday was less than a week away, and Paul had been scrambling to get a party put together, plus a short vacation planned where he could ask the most crucial question of the two of your lives. Paul flipped over to another sheet of paper as a knock sounded at the office door.

"Come in!" Paul said, throwing the notepad into a desk drawer.

He grinned at the sight of you walking in with Evan sitting on your hip, the both of you still trying to wake up entirely from the night before. Paul held out his arms and motioned for his son to come to him, but Evan quickly hid his face into your shoulder. The singer pouted at his son, seeing the little boy's little smirk growing. Paul stood up and kissed you, lingering his mouth against yours for a moment, savoring the kiss.

"I'm sorry, didn't hear him wake up, or I would have gotten him. Though look at you getting Evan cleaned up and dressed! You're going to be a natural when the new baby gets here," The singer replied.

"He escaped the crib and climbed into the bed with me, looking for you, and we still have awhile before the baby is here. It has only been two months." You said.

"It goes faster than you think, and Evan, I think it may be time to get you a big boy's bed," Paul said, looking at the little boy.

"I, three now Daddy, I'm not a baby anymore," Evan replied.

"Well, you'll always be my baby, you little monster," The singer said.

Paul looked down at his son, suddenly feeling sad by the fact of how fast Evan was growing right in front of the singer, and though he had the little boy every week, he was missing out on so much. Paul wanted everything to work between you and him, so your little one would have both of their parents consistently in his or her life. The feeling of your hand on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts. Paul looked up at you, seeing the sad smile tugging at your lips.

"Sorry, it's just hard to believe my firstborn is already three. The band will go into the studio soon and tour, which means I miss more moments with Evan." Paul replied.

"Well, let's enjoy the time we have now with him. What do you guys want to do today?" You asked.

"I actually have to run a few errands with Eric, and then the three of us can go out. Maybe a certain woman could give me some hints while we are out about what she wants for her birthday?" The singer said.

"Okay, well, Evan and I will hang out here, and I'll see if I can think of something for my birthday, though I told you just a quiet dinner was fine." You replied.

"A dinner I can do, but think of some gifts, and don't say you don't deserve it!" Paul said, walking out the door.


20 minutes later

Paul and Eric walked out of the hotel room, completing the planning for where your birthday party would be. They had rented out one of the largest conference rooms at the establishment. The singer had made sure the planner had everything down from your favorite snack foods, drinks, flowers, and music. Paul did not care how much it would cost as long as you smiled when you walked through the doors.

"So what now? I know you said gifts were the last thing on your list, but you needed Y/N to throw you a hint of what she wanted." Eric said.

"What we are doing next is ring shopping," Paul replied, walking across the street.

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