Chapter Seven

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I cant believe that just happen. I put my back against the window and sit back down. 

Things just get weirder and weirder, and I'm not even sure what will happen next. I'm not looking forward to anymore suprises. Well at least it's the weekend.  Well I consider Friday a weekend.

My phone started to vibrate, I take out the iPhone and see that I received a message.


Deliverd at 5:42pm

Hey Naruto! Mind if I come over? Parents are fighting and I really dont want to be here. Please reply ASAP. Or I will Kill You. ~Cherry Blossom

I sigh, I hate it when her parents fight then she acts all moody, and I have to deal with her sass. Man I love her but she can be annoying sometimes. But having her over will distract me from my own thoughts.

Yea of course, i really don't mind. I actually do need to talk to someone. You can come anytime you feel like it. [Naru]

Sent at 5:44pm

Maybe I can talk to her about what i'm going through, after all I can't really talk to Shikamaru about what just happen he'll probably just pull off one of his favorite phrases "uuhhh, uhmmm, what a drag." And honestly that's not what I need right now.


Deliverd at 5:49

OKAY, im on my way! Be waiting outside for me!  ~Cherry Blossom

I laugh she even sounds violent through text messages. 

K. [Naru]

Sent at 5:50

Not even a minute later she replies.


Delivered at 5:50

WHHHAT WAS THAT?! ~Cherry Blossom

I ignore the message, afraid to reply. I know that's her pet peeve and I still decided to reply with one word. Well letter.

I strip off my clothes and put on my pj pants. I walk downstairs and walk out the door and sit on the first steps.

Staring at the ground but something told me to look to the left of me and guess who I see, Sasuke standing on his porch. I blush and quickly look away remembering what just happened moments ago.

"HEY NARUTO! " I jolted of the sound of Sakuras' voice.

"Hey SAKURA." I run up to greet her with a hug. I grab her wrist and lead her towards my front door.

"Shesh Naruto so excited to see me?" she laughed.

"Yeah, of course I do!" I open my door and shove her in my house. 

"Wow Naruto you're in a hurry." she politely pulled her wrist away from me.

"Sorry Sakura, I didn't mean to be rude if it seemed that way" I sit down on the couch and pat the seat next to me.

Sakura sits besides me. "What's up?"

"Well you know how I've been acting strange lately? Well a lot of things have happened and I really need to talk about them and it's bothering me, and you know I'm not great with words and expressing how I feel"

"Ohh well, I'm here for you if you want to talk about it. I'll listen to whatever nonsense you'll spew"

I rub both my hands on my face out of frustration. "First Kakashi is fucking my dad, Second I'm having these weird feelings and I don't know why I'm having them."

She laughs out loud "Seriously? Kakashi banging Iruka? I saw that coming, not gunna lie. Haha."

"I wish I would have saw it coming." I sighed

"Also you said weird feelings? Like what type of feelings?"she tilted her head.

"UHM.." I shake my legs nervously "Well I'm questioning my sexuality..." That took alot out of me to say it out loud.

Shes quiet and then bursts out laughing and pats my back " I SAW THIS COMING TOO!" She's literally wiping away tears from laughing so much.

I turn bright red. "Really?"

"Yeah... haha, you were really never interested in the female body nor really cared for females because I'm positive if you wanted a girlfriend you would have already gotten one. And as long as we known each other you've never even made a move on me. Plus you're not bad looking Naruto. Plus Your Eyes. Are. Amazing"

I chuckle "Awe thanks. I think..." It's true I never really been girl crazy like the other guys, minus Shikamaru. I've never really thought about dating either. I was perfectly content on being single.

She giggles. "So who's the lucky man" Giving me a nudge.

I gulp. "Sasuke."

"Seriously Naruto? You fell for the guy who you hated for, for your entire life? I can easily tell you I didn't see that one coming" she sounded kind of disappointed.

"Haha.. it's just he has a way of getting to me for some reason, and it's really bothering me."

"You know what will help? SHOPPING. I also heard Sasuke and his friends are going to the mall tomorrow to do some prom shopping. Do you wanna to go?"

"YES!" I said a bit too excited.

"Haha Okay, calm down I'm in the same room as you."

"Sorry and sorry for being rude did you want anything to drink?"

"Yea sure. I'll like a sweet tea." 

"Gotcha." I head to the kitchen and make her tea and brought some chips. I go back to the living room and hand them to Sakura.

"Thanks Naruto you're too sweet." she smiled. Sakura really is pretty and maybe if I were straight I might of tried to hit on her.


So the rest of the night went by fast, were were talking about boys. I laughed most of the time, I was thinking I'm gay. She was talking about her boyfriend Sai. Which so happens to remind me of Sasuke a little bit.

I yawn. "Sakura, I'm ready to go to bed"

"Haha me too. It's been a day today."

We make our way to my bed room and I lay down flat on my bed. Surprisingly Sakura joins me with "What the hell your gay, so I don't see a problem and also Sai won't mind he'll probably be upset if I slept on the floor" I laugh and cover the both of us.

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