Chapter Nine

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"Naruto are you okay?" Sakura asked in a soft voice.

I nod. I don't know why I was taking it so personally it's not like we're dating. We're not even on speaking terms.

"Are you sure"

"Mhm" i replied.

"Don't pay attention to Karin, you already know how she is." She sounded like she was holding back non pg-13 words.

"Yeah I know, Can we please go get something to eat, or better yet go to a store, oooor we can stalk Sasuke" I said with a devilish smile.

She smiled right back. " How about ywe don't do that last part, you already know Karin ias going to be with him and I can't stand that hag. How about we go shopping, and maybe I should pick out a Prom dress while we're here? And I'll help you pick out something too Naru!"

"Okay Sakura.." Always ruining the fun. But it's for the best. I still remember that incident in the library.

We made our way towards the food court again so we can get to the stores, I turn on the corner.


I fell on the floor and  looked up, and I see the most attractive face in the universe. I blush of course.

"Naruto..?" Sasuke questioned on top of me.

I nod trying not to squirm away, then I look at Sakura, shes smiling behind her hand. I quickly looked back at Sasuke.

"Uhm.." He said confused

I look at him examining me, I cant help to feel helpless.

"Sasuke... do you mind moving, cause you are on top of me" I could barely even get that line out. He's soo close and he smells so nice. I kind of wish I could stay like this for awhile.

"Ohh yeah sure." He gets up and offers his hand to help me up. 

I take his hand, and he pulled me up like I weighed 6 pounds instead of 160 pounds, I blush and walk away with Sakura.


Karin is flirting with me like always, I don't know when she's going to get the picture that I don't want her. Even if i was interested in girls, she sure wouldn't be my type. She's too into herself and that's a turnoff.

"I have to go to the bathroom" I think that's a pretty logical explanation so I can leave.

"O-Okay Sasuke Poo, just don't take forever I'll be waiting for you to come back" she blew me a kiss and waved while I was walking away.

I role my eyes.

"Oww" I said underneath my breath. That kind of hurt.

I look down and see a pair of blue eyes looking at me. "Naruto?... Uhm..."

This was so unexpected,  I don't know what to do, I look at him.

"Sasuke... do you mind moving, cause you are on top of me"  he asked

I panicked  "Ohh, yeah sure" I get up and dust myself off, and offered my hand to help him up.

He grabs it, I felt a jolt of electricity, but ignored it.  

Naruto casually walked away with Sakura.

I think i just embarrassed myself in front of him. That wasn't cool at all.  


I walk away saying thanks, blushing a bit and ran towards Sakura's side.

"I guess we saw Sasuke sooner then we thought" Sakura laughed.

"Yeah.." I simply want to pass away right now.

"Naruto are you blushing?"

"Me? Noo.. Never. Psh" I hid my face in my hood.

"Yes you are!" she said pulling my hood down.

"Okay maybe a little, but he's amazing, even though he hates my guts, I still like him"

We continued our mission on shopping. I bought some t-shirts, and spy on Sasuke a little more, which sounds creepy, I might be turning into Hinata... but I'm not a creep I swear! When we made our way back to the food court again we saw Mr. Hatake. I mean Kakashi was with my dad, which I really didn't mind, at least they were open with it. But me walking into them doing "grown up" things wasn't one of my best nights. Probably the worst night of my life.

I dropped Sakura off, she had to go back home which was sad, because I'm lonely now...

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