Chapter Six

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My dad leaves my room, and I look out the shades again.

Damn he's gone..

"Ugh" What the hell am I doing. I don't even know about anything anymore. Everything in my life is so confusing. For some reason I just feel drawn to Sasuke lately. I don't even remember the last time we even talked like normal people. I especially shouldn't even be peeping at him it's not fair to him and I feel like a pervert and that's the last thing I want to be view as.

I shake my head

What the hell am I Doing...?


I had a long day at school. It has been pretty damn stressful. Especially With the whole Junior/Senior Prom Coming Up Next Week. I don't know people even enjoy those types of events. Seems pretty pathetic to me. But the whole thing only has me thinking about one person and one person only.

I Shove my hands in my pockets and walk out of the school when I see Naruto from a distance.

Only If he knew what I Felt. Every time I see him my mood gets better. There's just something about him that makes me want to smile and be by his side.

I Sigh. Walking down the sidewalk looking at the ground. I don't even know what Naruto thinks of me. I know just about every time we talk it's like we don't get along and I have a habit of calling him an idiot or dumbass. I can't help it sometimes.

I knock on the my door, and of course my brother isn't home probably paying another visit to his girlfriend for another "Study Session". I don't understand why he treats me like a child, like I don't know what sex is. I Insert my keys in the Door knob. I twist the key along with the knob and walk in, and make my way to my room.

I have a terrible head-ache. Maybe a nap or shower will help. I'm already over this whole week. I Unzip my jacket and set it at my computer chair, Pulling my shirt off also. I happen to look at my mirror, because I see something on the corner of my eye.

I can tell they're trying to be sneaky peeking through the shades. I smirk and take off my pants. And inch my boxers off slowly, then leaving my ass exposed. I'm not embarrassed at all. I find this moment hilarious.

I hear a crashing noise and I laugh walking to my private bathroom.

I squeeze shampoo into my hair humming to my self to a few popular songs. I do what ever I normally do in the showers and wrap a towel around my waist. And walk to my room and look out the window.

I wonder who's room is that? Could it be... I Know He Lives Next Door.

Noticing the most enticing eye ever. I Can see that it's Naruto. I Meet his gaze, and quickly turn around. I drop my towel exposing everything. I turned around closing the shades.


I can't believe he just did that...

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