Chapter Twenty

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Prom Night Part Two

• Naruto's Point Of View •

I walked into the hall, were there teens were dancing to some pop techno music.

I tried to smile. Even though I honestly didn't want to be here. But a part of me did want be here. I guess it's part of the high school experience. 

"Hey, Naruto? Are you okay?" Sakura leaned forward to peek at my face.

I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. "Of course" Matter of fact, I wasn't okay.

"Hey guys!" Kiba said.

I looked at him. He looked nice in a tux. Surprisingly. He always wore sport shirts, with Nikes with some sort of Band T. His brown skinned looked glowing today. Well lately. I'm honestly glad that he's happy and that Shikamaru made him happy.

"Everyone is over there" He pointed to the far left corner. Past were the dance floor was. The dance floor was surrounded by tables and chairs.

"Okay, We'll be over there in a bit. Me and Naruto have to do something real quick"

"Okay, C'ya in a bit Naruto" He smiled and walked past me. I looked behind me to see him give his boyfriend a gigantic hug.

I wish I had that...

But I'm happy for them.

"Hey Naruto"

"Hm?" I turned to Sakura.

She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Naruto, You're a wonderful guy. Things are going to fall together for you tonight. I promise." She planted a kiss on my cheek.

I looked at her shock. Hoping that she was right.

"Don't give me that look! Hmph" She joked. "But like I was saying. Everything will fall together. Don't over think it. Go with the flow"

I nodded, still clueless.

"I'll meet you at the table with the group, okay?"


"Okay" she smiled and walked away to take Sai's hand on the dance floor.

I sighed. Everyone seems to have someone besides me. I walked to the boarder of the dance floor and tables.

I saw  familiar faces.

Ino on Choji's lap. Hinata there with a lovely lavender dress. Somehow Kiba and Shika made it back. They were smiling at one another. I smiled. At least I had my friends. They were really all I needed.

I made it to the table and sat at one of the empty chairs.

"Hey guys" I greeted.

Everyone turned to me. Including Kiba. Even though he already saw me.

"Hey Naru!" Everyone shouted.

"Omg!" Ino got off of Choji's lap. "Naruto! You. Look. Beautiful!" she squealed. She looked at the purple haired girl between Choji and Shika. "Right? Tell me he looks beautiful!" A bright shade of red rose from her cheeks. "Y-Yes.. He's q-q-quite b-beautiful" agreed Hinata.

"Thanks!" I laughed to myself. Maybe I should ask Hinata for a dance to be polite. She did give me compliment.  But I decided not to. The last thing I want is for her to get close to me. She seems like the type of person who would make excuses just to see or talk to me.

We sat there for awhile discussing pointless topics but it also took a serious turn. Apparently Kiba and Shika are out in public, I'm happy that their relationship dynamic works out. Ino and Choji will be spending summer vacation together. They also invited us to Choji's parents beach house. I might end up going. Who knows. This is our last year of highschool. I hope we can all stay friends in the future. Sakura and Sai finally made it to the table.

"I think I'm going to get something to drink" I announced.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Said Sai.

"If you want to, I'll be right back though"

"No I insist" 

I got up from my chair and walked back towards the front of the room, were I remembered them serving some sort of drink, Sai kept his pace next to me.

I wasn't even that thirsty. I just felt trapped and felt a need to escape.

Sakura's words came into mind "Everything will fall together tonight"

"Hey, Naruto It seems like you have a lot on your mind" 

Sai isn't really the talkative type, I'm surprised he was trying to get a conversation going with me. I like Sai, he makes Sakura a bit more tamer these days. 

"When don't I have a lot on my mind" I chucked pouring a drink for Sai and myself. 

Sai grabs the drink that I poured him from my hand.

"You know you can always talk to me, I know I don't talk much. But I will gladly lend an ear and listen to you and if you happen to need advice I will try to give you the best advice as I can Naruto, because I to think of you as a Best Friend just like Sakura feels."

"Oh wow, Thanks Sai" I pull him in for a hug. "That means a lot to me right now" 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I automatically turned around to see who was interrupting my time.

• Sasuke's Point Of View •

I still couldn't believe I walked all the way here. I looked up at the Building.

"KHS Prom" I nodded to myself and walked in.

I handed the the teacher my prom ticket, and headed down the hallway.

I turned, into where the dance was actually hosted at.

I adjusted myself and walked in searching for Naruto. There weren't many blondes in the school. So it shouldn't be hard. 

I looked at the center of the Dance floor. Where Naruto had his hands on Neji's shoulder.

I blinked a few times, not sure how to process what's going on...  I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding. I'm trying to be rational and use my anger management skills in everyday life. The last thing I want to do is loose my cool in front of the whole senior class and especially Naruto.

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