Chapter Twenty Eight

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Sasuke's View

I felt uneasy, ever since I dropped Naruto at his house. Nothing felt right.

I slipped into something more comfortable. While I was doing so, I heard rattling coming from Naruto's yard. I peeked outside my window, making sure that he couldn't see me looking at him. I saw him struggle to get his bike free from some chains. I saw the look on his face, it was sad, lost, and dark. That wasn't Naruto. All these years of knowing him, I never seen him like this.

I kept an eye on him, till he disappeared into the dark the street. Something was telling me to follow him. So I did.

I hurried downstairs, and slipped on my shoes.

"Where ya going?" Seg peeked from the couch.

"I'll be back, don't burn the house down. Okay?"

"You know I don't mess with fire, shit's scary" 

"Fine, don't flood the house" I made my way out the door.

Not knowing where he was going at this time of night, I began to run towards the direction that I saw him go. I don't know why, but something didn't seem right at the slightest.

Finally I made it. The reason why I know I made it, is because the street lights shining on Naruto's hair.

I kept myself concealed into the night, just watching him on the bridge. He couldn't notice me, because I was behind a few trees, and I doubt he was looking for anybody.

I wonder why he was here, it wasn't like him to be alone. This was my thing to do.I closely keep an eye on him. He started to yell nobody was even there for him to yell at, maybe he was angry with himself.

This made me feel sad for him, I never knew that he was hurting this much. He never told me anything. I thought he was always happy. Especially that stupid little smile that he always does. He just seemed so happy and full of life. I guess even happy people get sad from time to time. I felt so bad, knowing that I didn't notice anything before. Or even asked him about how he felt. This was my fault.

While I was stuck in my thoughts, I heard a loud splash. Looking for Naruto, on the bridge. I started panicking. I didn't know what to do. I ran to the dock, looking for Naruto. All I could see is the river reflecting the sky.

I dive into the river, not thinking twice about it. The water was freezing.

"Naruto!" I swam with the current

The last thing I saw was Naruto struggling to keep his head up. I swam as fast as I could towards him, diving into the freezing water searching for him. It was hard trying to find him, it was too dark. The only thing that lead me to him was his struggling and the noises he was making.

I grabbed his slim waist, swimming back up towards the fresh air. Taking a deep breath of air, I began to swim with the current again, towards the left side, so I can get on the bank of the river. Once I was able to stand up. I walked towards the ground, carrying Naruto into my arms.

I looked at what appears to be his lifeless body in my arms. His hair covering his eye lids, blood coming from his head, but his lip showing a light purple due to the lack of oxygen. All I could think that I was too late.

I set his body on the ground. I lay my head on Naruto's chest knowing there was nothing for him that I could do to save his life. I started to cry. I was useless. Naruto deserved so much better than me.

"Sasuke, Naruto! What are you guys doing down there!"

I got up and looked at the direction the familiar voice was coming from.

"What's wrong with Naruto..?" Sakura's voice tried not to crack.

"I followed hi-" Sakura pushed me

"For fucks sake Sasuke, what the fuck happened? Did you do this to him?!  I swear if you did anything to hurt Naruto you're dead to me. And I will personally kill you myself. " Tears escaped from her eyes then looked down at Naruto. "How long has he been like this..?!"

"A few minutes at most" I could barely talk. I'm in so much shock, with Naruto dying in front of me and with Sakura assuming I did this to him

"You're a fucking idiot that has no common sense! You were just going to watch him die?!"

Sakura dropped to her knees and ripped off Naruto's shirt.

"Why does he have bandages?"

"He fell" I could hardly talk I was frozen

She hurried and laid her head on his chest and began listening for a pulse.

"There's a pulse! It's faint but still! Call 911!"

"O-okay" I search for my phone. I remember I left it behind. I looked at Sakura and she threw me hers.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

Sakura started to perform CPR.

"Yeah we have a person who fell into the river and drowned I got him out and now his friend is performing CPR."

"Okay sir listen to me. Stay by the person, and tell his friend to keep doing CPR till medics arrive, which will be there soon."

"Okay" these words are having a hard time coming out.

"So tell me exactly what happened that lead to this situation?"

"He wasn't acting himself and I followed him because I was worried and he just sort of fell.."

"Was it a suicide attempt? If so we need to know so we can get him the proper help"

I don't know what to say. I'm positive it was a suicide attempt but there's no way I know that it was for sure. Plus I wasn't going to tell him that so Naruto can be sent away to some crazy institution. I'm going to have to come up with a story that makes sense to convince this person.


"Yeah I'm here. Well I know he wouldn't do a thing like, it seemed he just fell."

"Is that it?"

Seemed like he was writing this down, now I have to remember the lie.

"I think so," I hear sirens "They're here thanks" I hurried and hung up. I couldn't deal with the person on the other line.

As soon as I looked at Naruto and the paramedics started coming down the hill. Naruto started coughing up water and his lips were starting to turn pink.

They took him on a stretcher and I was left alone with Sakura.

"You're fucking lucky I was taking a walk tonight. Cause if he would have died. And I knew you were with him. I would have killed you." She walked away leaving to think about what I should of done.

She wasn't wrong. I froze up. I knew CPR I didn't know what was my problem. If she didn't take a walk and happend to see us, I'm almost sure I wouldn't be able to save Naruto. I didn't even have my phone on me.

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