Chapter One

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"What the hell are you doing sitting there all spaced out and crap?! We're going to be late to school you idiot!"

"Jeez Sakura give me a break it's going to be finals week soon, and I've been studying all night for the past four days, and you already know that I'm not that smart. So you're lucky you're getting this much out of me in the first place."

"No excuse"

Sakura grabs my hand so we wont be late. She's so aggressive sometimes actually most of the time. She also has a temper on her. I wonder how in the hell she has a boyfriend. I can barely handle her as my best friend I feel sorry for the poor guy.

"Naruto, Pick up the pace!"

Yup, I definitely feel sorry for the dude. Maybe he gets treated better than I do. Well I sure hope he does. Me and Sakura have been friends since we were kids. We met Sai our first year of Highschool, he transferred in from a Private school supposedly.

We just barely made it in class. Thank God Kakashi is always late, something about getting lost on the path of life.

Somebody cleared their throat behind me. I turn around slowly, afraid. It was Kakashi standing over me.


"AHH" my scream sounded a bit too girlish. I fell on the floor and landed on my ass. I rubbed the back of my head. While parts of the class were laughing.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Go to your seats Naruto and Sakura." Kakashi order while making his way to his own desk.

"Yes sir" said Sakura

I dust myself off and walk to my seat next to Sasuke. I don't know why in the hell Kakashi sat us together knowing that I don't necessarily get along with him. It's not like I don't get along with him because I don't want to I just feel like he's always looking down on me. Like he's a better person, who happens to be smarter and better looking than me.

"Hey dumbass what are you looking at?" Sasuke glared.

"Nothing" I mumble.

Jeez, I hate it when he calls me that. Could of just left the dumbass out of it. The message would have still been the same.

I look back at Kakashi, not really focusing on today's lesson. My brain is still fried from all the studying I've done this past week. Every time I see Kakashi I actually get pretty damn curious on how his face looks like, he is never seen without a face mask. Maybe he's one of those germaphobes.

He even has these fan girls. I guess he has the whole mysterious thing going on.



"What's the answer" said Kakashi.

"Uhm, He gave her something?"

"Be more specific Mr. Uzamaki"

"His old red hunting cap! "

"Actually that's right Naruto!"

"Of course it is. I'm always right" I guess doing my homework and a studying actually came in handy. Who would of thought school makes you smarter.

"Don't get to cocky there"

The bell rang.

I was the first one out of my seat and out of the classroom. I really had to go pee ASAP!

"Hi, Naruto..."

I stopped "Oh hey Sai! I'll catch you later at lunch okay!"

He gives a polite laugh "Okay Naruto, Take it easy will you?"

"We'll see." I gave him a playful wink.

I make my way to the bathroom.

I seriously wonder how in the flipping hell Sai ended up with Sakura. They're so different. They do say opposites attract though. It's not like Sakura isn't a good person. She's reliable, and an amazing friend. She'll do anything to see her friends happy. And with Sai he's soft spoken, art enthusiast, and a sarcastic asshole from time to time.

"Finally!" I whispered to myself. I unzipped my pants before I make my way to the stall.

I hurry up and do my thing, and wash my hands and run back out the door and bumped into someone, I didn't even bother to pay attention to who it was.


I didn't even have to look to know who it was. Sasuke Uchiha.

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