Chapter Eight

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I stretched, forgetting Sakura was on the bed with me and I sorta elbowed her in the face.. Thanks to what ever god is out there she's a heavy sleeper. I climb over her body. That's why I can make my way to the bathroom and take a leak. After I'm done with that, I brush my teeth, and wash my face. And attempt to brush my hair but sorta to lazy too. I smack my cheeks to add some pink into them.

"I think today is going to be a good day.... right after I put some normal people clothes on"

I walk to my wardrobe and dig for a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white shirt. I put then on and ran my fingers through my hair, like it was going to make me look better. I walk to my bed to wake up Sakura. I know I had to do this with caution, if not I probably would face death and honestly I'm too young to die.

"Sakura wake up!" I shake the bed.

"Huh what?" she said half asleep. Her hair is a total mess and I noticed she had dried up drool on her cheek. I'm laughing on the inside.

"You said we were going to the mall today!"

"Oh yea.." She said sleepingly and shuffles her way to my bathroom to freshen up.

I sit at my computer chair, and log into my Chat.

"Ugh that's my photo? I looked terrible in it, I need a new one"

I smile at the camera and made a peace sign with my left hand.

"There" I now looked halfway decent.

"Hey Naruto what are you doing?"

I jump out of My seat. "Oh uhm I took a new profile picture for a chat website."

"Mind if I see?" she smiled setting her hand on my shoulder.

"Not at all" I turn the screen towards her.

"Awe Naruto you look so adorable" She said giggling.

I flushed and smile "Thanks"

"So are you ready?"

"Let me put on my shoes" I slip into my vans and grabbed my car keys.

"Ready Freddy?"

"Yup!" she said excited

Right before we waked out of the four I grab my favorite orange jacket and saying goodbye to my dad. I guess in not that awkward between us anymore.

I open the passenger door for Sakura. She hops in saying thank you and I do the same. Minus the thank you.

I start to drive.

"Hey Sakura can you go on my phone and go on Pandora and play my playlists?"

"Haha Sure, which playlist do you want me to play?"

"Naru's music"


A song pops up, which is actually one of my favorites right now.

Tokio Hotel Feat. Kerli - Strange.

I continue driving while singing along.

"A freak of nature,

stuck in reality.

I don't fit the picture.

I'm not what you want me to be.


"Naruto you're a good Singer but this is a depressing song" she sounded worried.

I said ohh and continued singing.

"What's making you happy is making be sadder."

Sakura changes the song.

I sigh.

Everywhere by Yellowcard comes on.


"Cause You're everywhere to me, When I close my eyes you're all I see." I repeat in my head

I drive into the parking lot. and park the car.

I get out and open the door for Sakura. And we walk into the food court first.

"I was thinking of eating something first, I'm actually kind of hungry" I laughed rubbing the back of my head embarrassed.

I happen to look up and see Karin all over Sasuke...

"That skank" Sakura Whispered under her breath. She grabbed my wrist, leading the way out of the food court knowing I'm probably hurt....

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