Part Two Chapter Three

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It's officially time to get up and start getting ready for the ceremony. Sakura wanted to keep the wedding tradition of Sai not seeing her in her wedding dress, so she kicked him out about an hour ago. At this point I don't know why she would do that, the lady already had a white wedding dress. I could have sworn that wearing white meant that you were a virgin, and waiting till marriage. Then again it's the 2020's people can do whatever they want to.

"So who's all coming to the ceremony?" I'm genuinely curious, but mainly I want to see if Sakura will spill the tea about Sasuke.

"Naruto, you know we share the same friend group right? Ino. Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten, Neji and their dates. Of course my family will be there."

Not only Sasuke will be there, also Neji will be there too. This is going to be a whole crap fest. I also don't remember being good friends with Neji either.

"I can't wait to see most of them... Not Neji though..." I whispered underneath my breath. It's just I never really talked to him after Highschool.

"Oh, and also you'll be walking with Hinata in the beginning of the ceremony." She didn't seem to hear my comment about Neji. But why am I barely figuring things out for the first time? It seems like everyone knew what was going on besides me. It kind of hurts my feelings though. Right now it really doesn't seem appropriate to mention how I feel though.

"You look soo handsome Naruto!"

I'm looking into the mirror straightening my tie. "Oh do I now? So handsome that Sasuke will come up and talk to me" I didn't tell her that I knew that Sasuke was here at the hotel. I was hoping to catch her off guard.

"He will definitely be looking at you! You look so dapper and handsome."

"You already said handsome!" Maybe I do look handsome.

I turn to look at Sakura who only just had a robe on. But her makeup and hair are made up. I raise my brow at her.

"You want to run that by me one more time" I'm half joking. But I'm also pretty serious about this situation.

"I said Sasuke will -" the look on her face read I finally realized what I just said, and now I'm fucked.

"Sasuke what?" I teased. I wasn't so mad at the fact that Sasuke was invited to her wedding. Just that she didn't tell me she invited him and gave me enough time to prepare myself for seeing him after all this time. After all these years, I guess I really haven't sorted out my feelings with him. Especially how things ended, they didn't end necessarily badly either. But I still loved him when I broke up with him. I would think about Sasuke every so often. He went to school out of state so I honestly didn't have to worry about running into him. I wonder what he thought about me during our time apart.

I shake my head at the thought. There's no time to be heads over heels for Sasuke. When Sakura is the person in question right now.

"I can explain! I swear. It was going to be a nice surprise!"

"You know surprises are usually supposed to be pleasant and nice, not awkward and weird. You know we haven't spoken to each other in years right?"

"What do you mean we? Sasuke and I happen to call each other once every few months to catch up. He's not a bad guy at all"

I looked at her in disbelief "Excuse me? YOU GUYS TALK OVER THE PHONE, DOES SAI KNOW?! "

"Of course Sai knows, he's even talked to him a few times" she smiled

What the heck is even going on, Feels like a disturbance in reality. I can't believe she's been talking to him behind my back, I don't even think I have the right to feel the way I do, because she has the right to talk to whomever she wants too. And I really can't get angry with her on her wedding day. I don't want to be that a dick. I'm just going to have to sweep these feelings under the rug and forget about it for now.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I can only imagine you feel like I betrayed you, and that's not the case. After everything that happened our senior year he was naturally worried about you but he wanted to respect your wishes and kept the distance between the two of you. He really does care about you Naruto, and always wanted what was best for you."

It's really hard to be mad at her on her wedding day. She didn't seem like she meant any harm by talking to him.

"What did you guys talk about exactly?"

"There really wasn't much to talk about, it's not like the guy is my best friend other than you Naruto."

Sure seems like he was.

Sakura continued. "All I did was give him tiny updates about how you were doing, nothing major. I wasn't telling him your whole life story anyways. Just a simple "He had a good day" Or "Nothing has changed". Now that I think about it, he's always wanted to reach out to you but he felt like he would get in your way so he never bothered writing to you, or asking for your new number. All I know is that he means well Naruto. It may not have worked out romantically, but maybe you guys can try to be friends again."

Honestly I don't think we were friends to begin with, all the dude did was glare at me throughout grade, middle, and high school.

I sigh. "Maybe we could be friends again... I don't know for sure yet." I still need to get my feelings sorted out for him. Looking at him for the first time in years, all my emotions came flooding back to me like I was a high schooler in love.

I looked back at Sakura and somehow she was already in her dress, I half smiled. Regardless of her intentions to keep Sasuke a secret from me she is still my best friend and I'm so lucky I could be here beside her for one of the most special days in her life. She looked truly beautiful, and I can't wait till Sai see's her for the first time in her dress.

"Wanna bet $10 that Sai will cry when he first sees you" I joked.

She playfully hit my shoulder, make it $20 and you're on.

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