Chapter Twenty Two

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• Naruto's Point Of View • 

Its the day after prom, maybe around noon. I've been awake for a couple of hours now but Sasuke is still sleeping. I wonder if has been sleeping well these past few days. I move his hair out of his eyes. He looks peaceful sleeping like this. He is sort of looks like a work of art, with the way his face is perfectly structured. 

Sasuke had the whole day planned out. He explained how his friend let him borrow his private cabin for the weekend. That was nice of him, I still don't know where we are at. The middle of nowhere that's for sure. We spent most of the daylight outside, I don't particularly enjoy outside, especially when there's so many bugs outside but I did it for him. I didn't know Sasuke was a fan of hiking, I couldn't keep up most of the time, every time he would ask if I was okay I had to catch my breath and pretend I wasn't completely winded and that my feet weren't going to fall off.

We made our way back to the cabin and Sasuke opened the door for me.

"Thank you!" I took off my shoes and ran straight to the bedroom and plopped myself on the bed. "I'm not sure how I managed to survive that"

"You actually did pretty well, especially when you've never hiked before, I did get kind of worried towards the end and thought your legs might collapse. I would of carried you the rest of the way home though, so you wouldn't have to worry"

"I'm not a quitter, but I am out of shape"

"Probably all that junk food you're eating, speaking of which I'll cook you some dinner tonight. So just go ahead and relax and take a shower." Sasuke made his way towards the small kitchen and started prepping the food. 

"Will do, could I borrow your phone real quick. I don't remember where I left it"

"Yeah, that's fine It's over there." He pointed to the coffee table.

I grabbed his phone and dialed my Dads number. I didn't get the chance to tell him why I haven't came home yet. 

He picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Dad, It's me Naruto."

"Hey Naruto, It's me Dad" He chuckled. 

"Sorry I didn't come home last night and did call you till now. I feel really bad about not checking in with you or asking permission to stay out."

"Oh, Naruto it's fine Sakura called me last night she told me you, her and a group of friends were staying in a cabin for the weekend. I told her to tell you to call me before you came home on Sunday so I could have dinner made for you."

"Dang, I forgot! I guess I just really wanted to talk to you, How are things going at home?" Nobody told me anything about what was going on, now I feel dumb.

"Things are okay here, pretty quiet, Kakashi is currently out of town too and should be back home around tomorrow after noon. A great time to catch up on my reading and just relax" 

"I'll go ahead and hand up then so you can just relax for the rest of the night. Just know I'm safe and that I love you okay?" 

"Yeah, I got it thank you and I love you too Naruto. I know I don't you this often but I am proud of you"

"Haha, thanks dad. Means a lot hearing that from you. Have a good night, buh-bye" 

He laughed "Bye Naruto, see you tomorrow" and he hung up. 

I sat Sasuke's phone back where I got it and took a relaxing shower.

By the time I got dressed dinner was ready. I made my way to the kitchen table to see my plate of food already made for me, looks like a plate of chicken parmesan. We ate dinner together talking about what we're going to do do after we Graduate. Sasuke wasn't sure what he was going to do and said he was just going to take it day by day. I was at least planning on taking general classes in college to see where I ended up.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to take a quick shower" He got up and planted a kiss on top of my head before he left me alone at the table. I laid my head on the table thinking about how nervous I am after I graduate high school. 

I felt a hand on my back. "Naruto, wake up" 

"Huh?" I didn't even realize I dozed off. 

"Hey there handsome" He gave me a sincere smile and patted my head. 

I got up and slipped off Sasuke's fresh shirt, then pushed him onto the couch, having a devilish smirk on my face. He wasn't getting away easily. 

He tried making up lame excuse about how we should get some rest tonight so he could take me to a beautiful spot he knew past the river, and how I was need all the rest I could get for tomorrow. He wasn't getting away easily I had him cornered. Well couched. I walked towards him on the couch, setting my fingers on his waist band, sliding off his shorts and boxers. I grabbed his crotch slowly starting massaging him.

A moan escaped his lips.

I spread his legs wider and wider, getting down on my knees, between them. I grasped his dick, slowly starting to rub up and down his length. I felt him getting hard underneath my fingers, which was making me get hard also.

I looked at his hard member licking the tip teasingly, I set my lips on his, looking at him.

He jerked his hips forward, shoving his hard cock into my mouth. I moaned on to it. I wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft, taking him deeper inside my mouth.

He sat his hand on my head, tugging on my hair, causing me to groan in pleasure.

I wanted it so badly.. I removed my mouth, standing up, slipping off my boxer briefs exposing myself.

I climbed on top of him sitting on the couch, I playfully licked up his neck, rubbing his chest.

"I want you.." I playfully whispered into his ear.

He sighed "What am I going to do with you?" He grabs the bottle of lube and puts a generous amount on his cock and he teasingly rubs his head against my entrance.

I bit my lip, pressing myself onto him whimpering in pain. Slightly digging my nails into his shoulders. I had to remember it was only a temporary pain.

"Mmm..." I slowly started to put every single inch of him in me.

He groaned, eagerly grabbing onto my hips roughly pushing me against him.

I leaned forward, closing my eyes in pleasure. I slowly start to pressing myself in and out of him. He decided he was going to take matters into his own hands for the rest of the night.

I yawned, stretching my arms and legs, reaching next to me.

No one..

I shot up from the bed.

Where is he? I started to panic looking left and right.

I herd chattering in the living area, assuming it was the T.V I bolted to the room, knowing Sasuke was probably in there watching T.V.


He stood up turning around, with black gym shorts, and a plain white T-shirt.

A person appeared from behind him.


A light shade of crimson appeared from his face and turned away from me.

"Naruto.. You do know you're naked right" Sasuke politely said coming out of the kitchen.

"Ah! Naruto! What the hell get some pants on! I don't enjoy looking at your pale ass, ass." Sakura said from behind me. Where did she even come from?

I can feel my face get even redder.

I sprinted back into the room to grab my clothes.

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