Chapter Seventeen

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• Naruto's Point of View •

Sasuke was on my mind all night. I still feel bad for kicking him out of my room. But in reality. I wanted him. I wanted him to touch me. To kiss me again. Make me feel special.

I want him to claim me. I didn't care if he hurt me or not. I loved him dearly. I would gladly die for him. My life is meaningless without him. As cliché as that sounds.

But maybe Sasuke wasn't good enough for me, or maybe I wasn't good enough for him..

Obviously he was closeted and didn't want to be seen with a guy.. Especially with me.

I spent the whole day dreading over this Guy. I even checked my phone ever minute, hoping he'll text or call me, begging me to forgive him but that was wishful thinking. I did just kick him out of my room.

I'm to much of a coward to actually go next door, and actually confront him face to face.

I was a nervous wreck. Not only because of Sasuke, but because Neji was coming over in a hour or so to take me out on a date.

I hate to admit.  But he's cute, more than cute. He's hot.

He's close to perfect but not Sasuke.

I went upstairs to my room to get ready for my date.

I slipped on a baggy orange shirt along with black skinny jeans and a pair of white Converse.

I looked in the mirror and fluffed my blonde hair. My eyes looked especially blue today. I smiled at myself and put on my bracelets.

I took one last glance of myself,  and headed back downstairs.

Checking my phone once more for Sasuke to call me or text me.

"You know what. Screw this" I mumbled to myself and tossed my phone onto the couch.

Knock Knock

I darted towards the front door and opened it.

There stood Neji. Attractive as usual.

His soft grey eyes set on me. Causing me to feel slightly uncomfrtable.

He wore a White V-neck T.

Black straight legged jeans and white vans.

"Hey Naruto" He gave a genuine smiled and waved.

"H-Hello" I managed to say. I'm so nervous right now and I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded.

• Neji's Point Of View •

We were in my favorite restaurant.

I looked away from my menu. Looking at Naruto to see a confused facial expression.

I smiled. It's funny knowing that he's having a bit of trouble figuring out what exactly what he wanted to eat.

"You okay there?" I questioned.

"H'm.. I don't go out much.."

"I see" a chuckled escaped my mouth

"I can live off ramen noodles if you'd let me. I'm a very simple creature"

I chuckled once more.

"What?" he said in the most innocent voice.

"Oh nothing" I replied.

"May I take your order Sir? "

"Yeah, Chicken Dumplings and white rice" I answered.

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