Chapter Eighteen

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• Naruto's Point Of View•

I noticed that my jeans were half way down my ass, and his erection grinding against my crotch.

"N-Neji.." I moaned into his mouth.

He slid his hand down my stomach and into my boxers. His cool fingers wrapped around my member, causing me to gasp. I quickly moved his hands away from there. 

I didn't want to go that far, I just maybe wanted to make out a little bit.


My heart dropped as I herd a familiar voice. I hurried up and pulled my pants up and put my shirt back on.

"What the hell?!" Shouted Neji.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. What the fuck Naruto?!" Sasuke angrily yelled.

I'm not sure what to say right now and saying It's not what it looks like it's a dumb excuse especially when it definitely in this scenario. I feel really bad about the situation. I wasn't planning on sleeping with the guy. All I could say is "I'm Sorry"

Sasuke turned to Neji, with anger in his face.

"What the fuck Neji?! Do you think this is funny? I know for a fact you do not like Naruto. I know exactly who you like, and I think it's kind of fucked how you're using Naruto to get back at that person"

Neji likes someone? And Sasuke knows who they are?

"Heh" He got up from the sofa to button his pants and put his shirt back on "Sasuke. Listen to me buddy" He stepped closer to him "It's your fault Naruto is with me right now. Not mine. I didn't force him to do anything. All of this could of been avoided if you just man up and say "Yes I'm Gay" besides hurting yourself and Naruto. Naruto doesn't deserve a half assed boyfriend like you, you cant even see he's hurting because of your idiotic actions?!" He shoved Sasuke into the wall.

It's true. Every thing Neji was saying was 100% true. I was hurting. There was no reason to be so rude to me because someone assumed he was gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay.

"Shut the fuck up, you don't know anything"

He knows more than you..

He shoves Neji back.

I stepped between them.

"Stop it you two!" I know dang well if a fight broke out there's no way in hell I could possibly stop them from fighting. Where's Dad when I need him the most.

I turned to face Sasuke, I sat my hand on his shoulder. I jolted, at the electricity I get when I touch him.

"You guys.. You guys should leave" I looked at Sasuke, his eyes and saw sadness and disappointment. Then I looked at Neji, He looked like he couldn't be bother by my request.

"N-Naruto.. please, please don't do this.." Sasuke pleaded.

I sigh and sat my forehead on this chest, gripping his shirt.

"Sasuke.. You hurt me. Do you know how I felt? You kicked me and called me a faggot. For what?  Because God forbid a Popular person saw you with a guy, it will decrease your ego. How come you couldn't be proud of me? Neji here. Took me out in public, and he made me feel like it was okay for two guys to be seen in public in a da—"

Before I could finish he lifted my chin up and kissed me softly on my lips.

"You son of a bitch!" Neji pushed me out of the way and punched Sasuke straight in the jaw.

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