Chapter Twenty Nine

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Naruto's Point Of View 

I open my eyes laying still. My body is stiff. I stay still looking at the white painted ceiling. This place smells like death but also smells clean at the same time.

I turn my head hearing a knock coming from the door.

A middle aged lady came into my room with long blonde hair with Blue skinny jeans on and heels. With her white lab coat. Isn't this job supposed to professional? She did look very nice though.

"Hello Uzumaki, Naruto. How are you feeling this afternoon?"

I stared at the ceiling again. Not wanting to speak.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk, just listen."

I nodded

"Okay Mr. Uzumaki. First off I'm sorry you're here. Everything must feel like the world is on your shoulders. You broke a 3 ribs 2 on your left and one on your right. We also had to buzz your hair off, you got a pretty big gash on your head, so you have stitches. You also have a hairline fracture on your right foot. That should heal in 6-12 weeks. So from what I'm seeing you can go home here in a few days if you'd like. But you're going to have to take it easy for awhile"

I kept nodding at everything she said.

"I'm going to call your father to let you know you're awake and doing well, he stopped by everyday. I can see you Dad cares about you. Also there's a dark haired boy waiting for you at the waiting area" She brought her clipboard to the side of her face "Is that your boyfriend?" She raised a brow, with a smirk. "He seriously never leaves. He told the nurses that he was your brother so he could be in the room with you. But I know damn well you two aren't related just by the way he looks at you."

I didn't know what to think, a small part of me wants to be happy that he's here and to know that he cares, another part of me just doesn't love him anymore. 

How could I love someone else if I can't even love myself. 

"Yeah, he actually is my boyfriend" I lied."Could you do me a favor and tell him come in, I want to see him."

"I can do that for you" She walked away, you could hear her heels clack against the floor.

I can hardly move, I'm in so much pain.

"Naruto.." You could barely hear Sasuke's voice.

"Hey there" I smiled. I was genuinely happy to see him.

He pulled up a chair, and sat next to the hospital bed. 


"No, stop Sasuke. Don't apologize. Let me apologize to you, I'm sorry for what I said and did say. I understand none of it was your fault. So please, don't. It's okay, I'm okay." I didn't want him to apologize, he didn't do anything to hurt me.

Sasuke grabbed my hand  with both of his hands, setting his forehead on it. "I'm so happy you're still alive Naruto, I was so worried..." I could tell he was crying but he was trying to hide it. So I didn't mention it.

He kissed my hand. "Naruto, Did you try to kill yourself?"He had a hard time saying the last word.

I'm still staring at the ceiling. "I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it that night" I sighed. "But no, what happened that night was a freak accident"

"Oh thank god.."

I pat his head "Thank you Sasuke" I look at him and smile. The thing I'm about to say is going to be so hard but it's what's best for us right now. "Hey, Sasuke.."

"Yeah..?" He looked back at me

"I don't think we should get back together"

The End of Book One

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