Chapter Fifteen

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I wasn't on the mood to deal with Sasuke what so ever. He shouldn't have done that to me. I didn't do shit. I mean I would have understood if he moved me, but he went to the extreme of  kicking me in the stomach and calling me a faggot.

I herd knocking on the door.

"Come in"

"Hey Naruto, how was your day at school?"

Terrible, I lost the one I loved the most and he'll probably will never like me again. And I'll most likely be a depressed adult and die alone because no one can put up with me.

"Uh.. It was okay."

"That's good" He makes his way towards my bed and sits at the edge of it. I sit up.

"Naruto, you're 17 now, and I think we should have the talk"

I know dang well he isn't talking about the birds and the bees, I swear to god I am too old for this talk especially the other day when Sasuke literally had my dick in his mouth.

"... Oh. My. God. Dad!" 

"I know it'll be awkward for the both of us, since I'm not sexually attracted to women. But Here goes nothing"

I brought my palm to my face, if I did that anymore harder that I did. I probably would have gave myself a bloody nose.

"When a man, such as yourself, loves a women. He might have strong feelings for her. And might want to take it to the next level... kissing. No kissing doesn't make a girl pregnant but it leads to it. You need to have self control. Also you might want to be with her in a more physical way, which is called intercourse. You both have the parts to Make a baby. You don't want a baby now so use protection, maybe later but definitely not now. I would like to be a grandpa one day though. To get a woman pregnant all you have to do is have unprotected sex and insert the penis into a vagina-"

I couldn't take this anymore, I wanted to gag when he said vagina. It seems like a pretty good time to get out if the closet. I gulped.

"Dad.. Stop.. I'm Gay..."

There's an awkward silence.

He pats my back a few minutes later. Still trying to take it all in. "Really"

I nodded.

"How long?"

"Not long. I'm still somewhat confused, I definitely know I'm attracted to men, women is kind of iffy right now"

"Oh, Well Naruto it doesn't matter who you love or what you love, I'll still love you. Even your biological father would be proud of you"

"My real dad would me proud of me..?"

"Yes Naruto, I knew your dad so did Kakashi. He was nice to everyone, He used to joke about Me and Kakashi getting together all the time. Same with your mom, she would tease me on purpose about getting together with Kakashi. But I never made any moves back then because he never seemed interested in being in a relationship"

Oh God. my Bio dad is a joker like me. ..

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