Part Two Chapter One

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Today is the big day. Filled with flowers, lights, music, and people in love. It took a lot out of me to help plan this wedding. I wouldn't even say I'm qualified for this job. I don't even know how I ended up the Man of honor. But it's for Sakura, and I guess also for Sai too.

I'm freshly out of college. I still live with my dad, but he's hardly home anymore, something about enjoying life and exploring what the world has to offer. I don't necessarily have a job either at the moment. I graduated college, got a degree in counseling psychology. I did put in applications around the area. I guess at 24 I didn't think I would be in this type of situation. Back when I was in High school I always thought by 24 I wouldn't be depressed and had a job and be in a stable relationship and perhaps engaged at this point. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit jealous of Sakura. Nonetheless I'm still so happy for her because she deserves the world and more. She's helped me through so much throughout the years, you could say she's kind of like a sister maybe even mother at this point.

I sigh looking at the ceiling, then look at my alarm clock. 4:30am. I look back at the ceiling. I'm already over today. These days I really don't care for social interactions. Especially when Sakura invited some of our old classmates from high school. I still talk to them from time to time, but it's been awhile since we have all gotten together. Shikamaru and Sakura are the only people I really talked to after high school, that's only because we ended up going to the same university. I'm already stressing myself out just the thought of old friends surrounding me and asking how my life is going, which the only thing I got going is a degree and depression.

I roll out of bed to take a shower and put on gray sweatpants and a basic white T. Sakura has my Tux at the hotel she's staying at right now. I recommended staying at a hotel near the venue where she will have her wedding and reception so we could save time. I grabbed my phone, keys and my will to live for the day and headed out the door. I put on a nostalgic playlist that reminded me of high school so I can get into the mood of being social for the day. A 30 minute drive later I finally arrived at the hotel that's in the middle of town.

I call Sakura from my phone from my car. It's a bit chilly this morning to be standing outside looking like an idiot.

"Hello? Naruto?"

"Hello? Sai? Where's Sakura?"

"Thank god it's you Naruto" He sounded relieved. "I need your help. It's about Sakura, we're in room 402, fourth floor, last door at the end of the hallway on the left side." He hung up.

Well that didn't sound good. I guess I'm sort of relieved that I got here earlier than intended.

I made my way towards their room, I took the stairs instead of the elevator, I guess you could say I have an irrational fear of elevators. Lucky for me the stairs led me straight to their room. Right before I knocked Sai opened the door. He looked paler than usual and had a worried look on his face.

"Naruto is that you?" I heard a faint voice that sounded like they were in the bathroom. Sai invited me in, and led me towards Sakura. He stepped aside revealing his bride to be on the ground hugging the toilet bowl.

"Uhm.. Sakura, are you doing okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder crouching next to her.

She looked dead into my eyes, with tears in her eyes, vomit leaking out her nose. "Do I look okay?"

"Touché" I grab a towel and wipe her tears and her vomit filled face. I feel bad for her, she looks like crap and on the day of her wedding too. I wouldn't dare tell her though. I helped her up, and sat her on the toilet. "No seriously, did something happen?"

"No, I just woke up very nauseated and couldn't hold it in any longer"

"Luckily your wedding starts at 3, just go back to bed and get some rest. I'll head to a corner store to get you some medication" I turn to Sai "Take her to bed I'll be back, shouldn't take more then 20 minutes."

"Thank you Naruto, you're the best."

"What she said, I'm glad you're here"

"I shall be on my way then, c'ya in a few" I left them in the bathroom and made my way back to my car.

This is just great. Today is supposed to go smoothly, fuck Murphy and his Law. I drove to a corner store I saw that was open on the way here. I'm not really sure what I should be looking for either. I got out and went inside the brightly lit building.

"Hello, welcome! How can we help you sir?"

So up beat in the morning, kind of refreshing. "My friend is having stomach issues"

"Medicine is in isle 10 on the right towards the back"

"Thank you" I made my way to the back. I look at all the medication not sure what to get her. I hardly get sick myself. I know she's nauseated, at least she told me that much.

At this point I grab one of everything. No harm done. I left the aisle with 4 medications hoping one of them would work. I go to check out with the cashier.

"Did you find everything alright?"

"I did, thanks for asking" before he stated the total I saw a blue and pink box that caught my eye. Could that be the issue also? I wonder... "Could I also get that." I pointed to the box.

"Of course, that will be $24.68. Credit or Debit"

"Credit." I inserted my card till the beep told me to remove it.

"Receipt in the bag or with you?"

"Just put it in the bag"

"Okay, have a nice day sir. Hopefully your friend gets better"

"You too, and thank you" I walk out and go back to the hotel. Honestly I hope she gets better soon.

I went back into the hotel and knocked so Sai could open the door.

Sai opened the door, "Hey welcome back, I need to take this call real quick. There are some complications with the flowers we've order"

"Take you time, I'll take care of her. So no worries." I do need to talk to her in private so this worked out beautifully.

"I owe you one" he left down the hallway to go to the elevator.

I walk in the room. "Hey Sakura, I'm back with goodies" I shake the bag.

I see Sakura sprawled out on the bed "Hey there sicky, I got you some things you might need"

"Thanks Naru, you're a lifesaver" she grabbed the bag from my hand.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I basically grabbed one of everything"

She went through the bag "Hey, Naruto. Are you trying to tell me something" she took or the pregnancy test.

She looked upset and offended.

"I didn't think it like that I swear, like I said one of everything. Plus you never know till you know" I hope she doesn't hit me.

"I'm just surprised, that's all. I am a few days late..."

"I think you should take some medicine, and take the test, just in case" I suggested without being too pushy.

"You're right, I'll be right back" she went to the bathroom to do her business.

Honestly hoping everything is alright. We don't need anymore problems going on today.

Sakura came back with the test in her hand, then set it on the table. We both were staring at it waiting till it calculated the results.

We both witnessed the word PREGNANT on the pregnancy test. Well shit. 

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