Chapter Four

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I wake up a couple of hours too early. I try to close my eyes and go back to bed. My body wont let me. Great. Just freaking great.

It's 4:30 in the morning and I have no clue what to do. It's way to early to do anything, who is even up at this hour? Why would anyone want to me awake before 6am.

I sigh.

I suppose I'm hungry... I didn't get a chance to eat again last night. I just couldn't face Iruka and Kakashi after I just witnessed their "alone" time together. It doesn't bother me they they were kissing. I guess I'm more upset that my dad felt like he needed to hide something like that from me. He knows he means alot to me and he can tell me anything. Iruka has done so much for me since he's adopted me. I owe everything to him. Maybe he's afraid that I will judge him, by all means love who you love but couldn't Kakashi go after somebody else's dad. Why mine?

I make my way to the kitchen and I open the refrigerator door seeing if there's any leftovers for me. Thank God there was, I take out the plate that was covered in plastic wrap.

"Steak... yes.." I whispers to myself. Iruka was such a terrible cook once upon a time. One time he tried to make chicken and dumplings, I looked in the pot and I swear the food was going to grow legs and run away. But lately his cooking has been amazing.

I'm happy he cooked up some steak because I really did need some meat. I would have been happier if he made Bacon for dinner. How cool would that have been. Breakfast for dinner is amazing sometimes.

My ears twitch. I hear a thud.

I turn around and head towards Iruka's door. His room is on the same floor the kitchen is. So he might of heard me make some noise. I knock on his door. I figure something was up.

He didn't answer so I slowly opened his door.

The only thing that was up... was my dad's ass and Kakashi inside of him... pounding inside of him.

I stood there frozen...

And maybe I should of minded my business and just ate my food in silence.

"Naruto" Iruka yelled as he pushed Kakashi away from him.

I turn on my heel and went to my room, grabbed my uniform for school, my iphone, grabbed my steak from the counter and walked straight out the door.

I look to the right were Sasuke's house is, wondering for a moment what he was doing. Probably sleeping.

I walk past his house, going to Shikamarus. I pull my Hood over my head. it's pretty chilly out. Maybe I should of grabbed something warmer.

I knock on shikamarus door 6-10 times.

Shikaku opened the door.

"Hey Naruto, are you doing okay?"

"Uhm, yeah im fine. I told Shikamarua I needed help with my homework and I was going to stop by before school." I lied.

Shikaku looked at his watch. "It's almost 5 in the morning Naruto."

"Yeah I know, but he promised."

He gave a worried look. "Okay.. Come right in. You're lucky if Shikamaru is even awake right now. All that kid likes to do is sleep."

"Thanks Mr. Nara" I nodded and I walk down the hall to Shika's room and sat on his computer chair eating my food.

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