Chapter Nineteen

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Prom Night Part One

• Sasuke's Point of View •

"Prom night" I sighed looking into the mirror adjusting my tie. I can't seem to make it even. "Ugh, if this keeps up I'm going to end up choking myself, and killing myself by accident"

"Having troubles?" My brothers voice came from behind me. I turned to look at him with my knot of a tie.

"Yeah" I sadly admitted.

He started working on My tie.

"So who's the lucky person?" Itachi brought up.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well you hardly ever get dressed, you never go out really. You just keep to yourself."

He's right. I don't associate with my peers. I hate teenagers in general. They annoyed the shit out of me. 9 out of 10 people are fake, I swear. I couldn't deal with the drama of being a teenager at all. I would burst.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course little brother" He finished Fixing my tie.

"I'm gay."

• Naruto's Point Of View •

next door 

I can easily say "I look good" because oh boy I did look good. Never would I have thought that I'd look this good. If there was a clone of me. I would date me.

I looked into the mirror my black doc martens to  go with my black skinny jeans. My white button down shirt, completed with my waist coat. Also my signature orange  bow tie.

"Jeez Naruto! You look hot!"

I looked to meet Sakura's gaze.

"I know I am" I smiled posing in front of the mirror.

My blonde hair was getting in the way though. But I really didn't mind.

Sakura didn't look half bad either. You would think it would be hard for her to find a dress because of her brightly pink dyed hair. But nope. She wore this nice black dress. That fitted her body perfectly. The dress made her look nice, and didn't even notice the fact that she was apart of the itty bitty itty committee.

Her heels actually made her taller then I am, and I'm about 5'9.

"Are you ready to go Naruto?"

I looked myself in the mirror one more time.

"Yup, I'm as ready as I ever will be."

We both exited the house and left to where the prom was hosted.

• Sasuke's Point Of View •

"I'm gay" I made an inward sigh.

"Gay?"  He replied a little shocked. "What about that Karin Girl?"

"As if she'd ever have a chance with me. She won't leave me the hell alone!" I took a step back, offended.

"Calm down Sasuke. It was just a simple question. No need to get worked up"

"I won't calm the fuck down! Even if I happened to be straight, I sure wouldn't be going out with that skank of a whore!" I spat.

He sighed. "Sasuke, I didn't mean for you to be offended" he said in a calming voice. "I don't mind if you're gay" he flicked my forehead, like he used to when I was younger.

I sighed in relief.

"So that special person?"



"No.. No... Why in the fuck?" he looked at me with his dark piercing eyes.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"You have to leave that fucking kid alone. Okay."

He didn't say "Okay" as a question. He demanded me not to see him. I have no idea why couldn't see him? He was just a guy? Right?

"Do you here me Sasuke?"

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Do you understand" he ran it by me again.

"Why should I?" What possible reason could there be that I couldn't talk to Naruto.

"What was that?" he gave me a chance to correct myself. I wasn't taking it.

"I said why should I?" I raised my voice.

"Because you shouldn't be talking to him." Like that's a fucking valid excuse or something.

"WHY THE FUCK NOT?" I was angry by this point. Who in the fuck does he think he is.

"I shouldn't tell you, but you need to leave him alone. It's not him. It's you"

"Me? What do you mean its me? I can protect him. I love him. For fuck sake. What the fuck are you hiding from me?"

"I can't tell you that Sasuke. I wish I could."

"You know what. Fuck You. Fuck you Itachi! I'm going to be with Naruto, Whether you fucking like it or not. Okay? Okay." I walked out of the room slamming my door.

I couldn't quite make up what he was saying. But I Didn't fucking care. I was going to be with Naruto whether he tells me to or not. I walked out of the front door, slamming it just like my bedroom door.

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