Chapter Five

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I fished eating my food. I really didn't know what to do,  I'm still comprehending what I just witness. I hit my face on Shikamaru's desk.

I notice Shikamaru sitting up from his bed.

"Hey Naruto, I hope you know its 5 in the morning and I'm wondering why you're here, did something happen?"

"Eh I really just want to forget what just happened." Is it possible to forget what happened. I feel like the imagine is burnt into my brain. I tighten up my fist and hit my knees out of anger.

"Ahh Okay... Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Hey Shikamaru, want to skip first period? And We can go eat some pancakes or waffles?" I really just needed an excuse not to go to first period and see K-Kakashi. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to see him the same way, same with my dad.

"Ha Sure! I'll do anything besides go to school. School is such a drag. Also you're paying for the food though."

"Ha of course"

The whole morning went by fast, I guess acting like idiots make time goes faster then it seems. I Got syrup all over my hair. I'm such a messy eater I don't even know how I manged to even get syrup there. Now I'm going to smell like a pancake shop. Anyways by the time we got back to school it was already gym time. I Get undressed before anyone else gets in the locker room. I make my way to the showers when I see Sasuke. I cover my self up and dart to the close shower curtain.

"Jeez that was a close one.. " I whisper underneath my breath.

I turn on the water, on cold like always. I wash my hair, my torso and my lower body. I just don't want to smell like maple syrup anymore. It's such a strong scent. I turn off the water and wrap the towel around my waist and open the curtain. The Cold air hits me like I just suddenly appeared at the north pole. I start shivering and make my way to my locker. I look at the time. Jeez.. I took an hour shower. I don't even recall taking that long ever. Why was time going by so fast today? I open my locker and slip into my boxers and uniform. I dry my hair the best I could. Ah man I still get a feint smell of syrup. I sighed once again.

I look in a mirror.. Jesus Christ I Look like a emo boy Like Sasuke.. Minus the dark hair. We're like night and day.

I run my hands through my hair to try to dry my hair off, Eh That's the best I can do, I grab my backpack and head out the locker room.

I head to my last block. Art. My Favorite Class. Mrs. Yuhi. But she lets us call her by her first name Kurenai. I sit by a person named Neji. Hinata's kind of normal cousin. They're Opposites.

"Today class we're going to be starting a new project. I want you guys to pick one color. And To Draw a Scene, That you seen somewhere or a made up one. Remember chose your color wisely, because that's the only color you can use"

"Hmm.." I chose a dark blue, like Sasuke's backpack. I started to draw the most favorite thing I like to do. Playing soccer. I just kept on drawing using different shades and values of my color pencil. Neji was looking at me. Then Sai looked at me. 

"Wow Naruto I never knew you could draw!" Stated Sai.

I look at my paper.

"Well Apparently I can" I laughed shockingly.

"Okay Class Turn in your Work and I will have it graded when you come back from the weekend."

The Bell Rings.

I make my way home, I guess I can face my dad after what happened. I walk home listening to Mayday parade, one of my favorite bands right now.

I open the door to my home and walk up to my room and quietly close the door. I open my shades and notice Sasuke getting undressed in his room. I gasped and closed my shades and peek out of them out of curiosity.

He slowly takes off his shirt, followed by his pants.  He has perfect abs... He's slowly inching off his boxer briefs. Like he's teasing me almost. They Hit the floor and all I can see is his bare ass... he has an nice ass not going to lie. I want him to turn around for research purposes.

Someone knocked.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. For two reasons why was I checking Sasuke out and the second reason who the heck is knocking on my door.

"Naruto I need to talk to you.."

"Come in" I stated. Sat next to my window on the floor.

Iruka walked in "I'm sorry for what you had to witness.. I didn't want you to see anything"

Should of done the whole leave a sock on your door knob or better yet lock your dang door.

"It's Fine" I mumbled

"You see Naruto, I Love Kakashi. We've been dating for about 8 months now"

"Dad why didn't you just say?" Now that just ticked me off. This whole time Irkua has been lying to me and Kakashi has been getting it on with him. I don't even want to think about it.

"I thought you would judge me.."

Judging you on your choice of men is more like it.

"Dad. I Love You and I wouldn't judge you at all. But I do have a request, could you not do that stuff when I'm in the house, or message me when I'll be home exactly. I don't want another incident like this morning to happen again"

He chucked "Okay Love You Naruto"

"Love you too Dad"

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