Part Two Chapter Four

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I'm so stupid I wont be able to tell if Sai actually is crying or not because i would be standing right behind him, same with the other guys. Out of all the things I wanted to see today I wanted to see him cry. I couldn't care less about the 20 dollars I betted. I just wanted to make sure he actually loves Sakura, I feel like the type of look they have on their face says alot about the love they have for the bride. Or that could be just me trying to find some deeper meaning in love. Like I'm some love expert.

When we arrived at the venue, I had no clue what I was expecting to see. I know we took months to prepare for this moment. Considering we were only paying attention to one thing at a time and seeing everything put together is tremendously wonderful, and this was just the view from the entrance.

Offering my hand to Sakura, she took it and stepped out of the car.

"Everyone is waiting for you." I gave her a sincere smile.

She smiled back nervously.

"It's too late to back out now Sakura" I move closer to her ear and whispered "Especially when your with his child"

She immediately punched me in the stomach.

I backed off, trying to catch my breath.

"Hey you two! Quit fucking around and get your asses over here."

I looked at Shikamaru, at a loss for words. "Language. Not in front of the little one"

"What little one?" He raised his brow.

"Yeah me, you know me and my virgin ears." I chucked to myself because of the double meaning. Sakura is probably plotting to kill me after making a comment like that though.

"Like I give a fuck about your virgin ears Naruto. Now get over here. And you too Sakura.We don't need this ceremony to drag for so long." He whispered the last part to himself.

I completely understand wanting to get the Ceremony over with. But honestly I'm not looking forward to the reception party. No matter how many times I play it in my head I can't find a good enough excuse to bail, and even if I did bail I would never hear the end of it.

Shikamaru handed Saukra her bouquet of flowers.

"Places everybody, Girls, Guys come over here and go with your assigned partner. Just like at the rehearsal party."

Shikamaru would make a great wedding planner. I guess if being a teacher doesnt work out for him he could always open up his own wedding planning business. But if i'm being honest he wouldn't care about his clients. I'm surprised he's even doing this for Sakura. Maybe they didn't trust me to be in charge.

I place my hand over my heart, I'm truly hurt.

A purple haired girl peaked in front of me, and moved her hair away from her face.

"Are you okay Naruto?" I made eye contact with the girl who had the softest voice.

I swear my heart just skipped a beat , not going to lie she looked really beautiful. I don't recall her ever looking hideous or anything like that, all I remember in highschool she acted very weird. But it seems to me she grew out of that.

"Oh! Me? Yeah I'm okay." I stood up straighter than I was before.

Hinata set her hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure? You looked like you were about to cry. Not that crying is a bad thing, we are at a wedding after all. People shed tears all the time in ceremonial events all the time."

I could tell she was watching her words and didn't want to offend me. I really didn't want to tell her that I was in distress because Sakura and Shikamaru didn't have faith in me to play wedding planner.

I casually scratched the back of my head. "You caught me" Awkwardly laughing. "You know my best friend is getting married today, I'm just on the verge of tears" I place my hand on my chest. "I give my sincerest condolences to Sai." Looking away from Hinata I wiped a fake tear from my eye.

"Oh I see.."

"Quit running your mouths and stand up straight and try to look happy to be here" He examined everyone of us quickly.

"All right! Ladies interlock your arms with your partner, Fellas just try to be gentlemen like. I'm talking to you Choji."

I peeked behind me, and will you look at that I didn't even notice him.

"Hey Shikamaru, I haven't even said or did anything!"

"Yet, we'll see how it goes at the reception when you see an all you can eat buffet."

"Did you say all you can eat?"

"Exactly, Now everyone be quiet and do what we rehearsed" He signaled us to walk down the aisle with our partners. At this point in time I would rather not lock eyes with Sasuke.

I take a deep breath. Hinata squeezed tighter on my arm. Making me feel less nervous. I sat my hand on her arm letting her know I appreciate the gesture. We parted arms at the altar, she grabbed my hand squeezing it letting me know it would be okay. I gave her a reassuring smile. I wonder if she knew what was going through my head. People do say I'm easy to read.

I took a quick glance of the people who showed up before taking my place behind Sai. Not many people came, probably around 50, give or take.

The music changed, giving a soft atmosphere. Everyone stood up and focused on the bride.

I know I saw her in her dress and makeup already but I saw walking down the aisle, she was a completely different person. She looked so beautiful. At this moment in time she truly looked perfect. I feel like I'm about to cry, and I'm her best friend. So I know Sai has to be on the verge of tears if not already crying.

Sai offered his hand to Sakura to help her on the altar.

Everybody sat down. Everything seemed to fall in place for her today. I couldn't help but smile, I'm truly happy for both of them.

I was too focused on the pastor? Minister? No they're not particularly religious, usher? That can't be it. Either way the dude who reads from that book. Marriage Officiant.

Next thing I know he asked Sai to kiss the bride and everyone got up and started clapping for them. I couldn't help but clap too. After they shared their kiss they both pulled me in for a hug. I most likely turned red out of embarrassment. After they let go of me I accidentally locked eyes with Sasuke for a split moment. It looked like he was about to say something, but Hinata stepped in front of me blocking my view of Sasuke.

Hinata put her hand over my forehead. "Are you feeling okay? You look a bit flushed."

It's so odd for someone I'm not even close with to feel worried about me. I gently moved her hand away from my forehead. I didn't want to flat out tell her to move her hand. She was only being friendly anyways.

The guests started to swarm around the bride and groom, getting a little bit too claustrophobic for my liking. I announced I was going to the restroom so I could get away from anybody.

"I'll be back, I promise" I waved at Sakura and Sai.

Stepping out of the building, I leaned against the wall and sighed.

"Thank god I can finally relax"

"Hey, Naruto. Long time since we've seen one another"

I know that voice all too well. I didn't even want to face him right now, I was hoping a bit later at the reception after I've had a few drinks in me to give me courage to look him straight in the eye.

I looked straight ahead, not bothering to look at him. "It really has.. I was hoping we could ta-"

A loud obnoxious ring cut into the middle of my sentence.

Sasuke answered his phone, walking away from me. I don't know how I didn't notice he was smoking a cigarette. Especially when it smelt like cigarettes. I wonder when he picked up such a bad habit.

I took a peek at him pacing back and forth, he seemed kind of angry. I wonder what the call was about.

"Hey Naruto, we were looking for you!" Ino grabbed me by my arm. "We're all going to take some photos before the reception party." She aggressively led the way back inside. Leaving Sasuke alone. 

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