Chapter Twenty Four

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Sasuke's Point Of View

"I swear to whatever god is out there I had nothing to do with it!"

I was now yelling into the phone, not exactly at Naruto, what he was assuming.

He sighed. "Sasuke it has been three months since Iruka almost died because of Itachi. And knowing My Dad almost died because your brother was after me the whole time doesn't make feel better about the situation.Makes me feel it was my fault. I also told you the day that I found out, that I didn't want you in my life anymore. Your  now dead brother caused a lot of heartache for me and my dad. The situation could of killed my dad, then what? Also if I were home he could of killed me. Kakashi told me the whole story. I'm sorry, even though you may have nothing to do with it. I feel weird knowing that your own family caused harm to my family, and Sasuke for the last time. We're over" Naruto hung up the phone.

I slammed my fists against my desk. "Son of the bitch! I just fucking got him now he's gone! Just because of that jerk, he had no reason to be mad at who I liked, the dude hasn't been home in years and all of a sudden he shows up out of the blue and do this. Maybe it is my fault that I ever liked Naruto."

These past three fucking months have been fucking horrible for me. I spent my time trying to convince Naruto that I had nothing to do with this incident. But the way things are looking, the odds are not in my fucking favor.

I dialed an old friend.

"Yeah, can you come over? Thanks Seg. I appreciate it" I know I shouldn't be dialing an ex, but I feel lonely, and the only one who makes me feel alive hates my personal guts.

Suigestsu, he really wasn't an ex more like a friend with benefits type of relationship. And I needed release. Plus I haven't seen Seg, since the last day of school highschool.

I put on a shirt, even though I know it will be off later. I walked down the stairs unlocking the door, then laying on my couch.

I heard knocking on the door "Come in"

"Hiya there Uke" he said with a flirty tone.

I looked up, looking at a familiar face. His grey hair; messy, his cheeks; pink, his figure; feminine and short.

"You know I don't like it when you call me that" I got up from the couch and greet him with a hug. "Plus we all know who the uke is between us don't we."

"I know I know" he said in a defeated tone "How you've been?"

"I'm okay"

"Sasuke, I know you're not okay. Even though you don't go out much, you at least contact people. And these last three months, no one has been able to get ahold of you or received any type of text or phone call. I can even tell you're having a tough time, just by the way you look. When was the last time you've had a proper meal" He sat his hand on my cheek.

I smiled, I haven't felt and human contact in forever, it almost seems foreign.

"You know i'm always here for you, right? He said in a hush tone.

"I know" I nodded.

"Sasuke, what's wrong? I know you're not okay. And that's definitely not alright. You don't deserve to feel like this." Seg sat his hand on top of mine.

I sighed. Only one thing came into mind. Naruto. My eyes started to water. I haven't showed any type of emotion, especially crying in years. I quickly grabbed on to Seg, knowing I was going to break down any minute.

He held me tight, rubbing my back. "It's okay to cry...  You don't have to feel bad for showing anytype of emotions with me Sasuke. You already know I accept all the good parts of you"

I nodded, still trying to hold myself together.

"It's going to be okay" he stroked my back comforting me.

As soon as those words filled my ears, I started to cry because I knew it wasn't going to be okay. Especially when I don't have Naruto in my life. I held on tighter, as thoughts of Naruto filled my head. Crying wasn't my intention, my intention was to just fuck him and get it over with. I know I'm sick person.

After hours of crying, venting and hurting I finally fell asleep on his lap.

Naruto's Point Of View 

I felt bad, well how things ended anyways. I knew that the feeling of my love for him was mainly gone. The love I had left for him in my heart is slowly being replaced by uncertainty and depression. The last thing I want to do is get depressed again. I hate my friends seeing me that way. I know deep down I still admire Sasuke. Because no matter how bad you dislike them afterwards, love doesn't just die off like that. Honestly, after these three months I wish that it was I who would have died off. 

I took a deep breath, getting up from my familiar bed, that I haven't left for awhile since we came out for summer vacation. I still lived in the same house. Surprisingly I didn't break down every single time I went downstairs, I just thought about how lucky I am to have Iruka still in my life. He's been staying with Kakashi lately, they have been stopping by twice a week checking on me and bringing me warm homemade food. Iruka just needed someone to take care of him till he got 100% better. 

I know Kakashi hasn't been doing to well either, to know that something like that happened to the person you love the most and you weren't there to do anything about it.

I walked down the stairs, entering the lifeless living room, exiting the house.

It was dark already, I didn't mind it as much, since the dark has consumed me lately.

I knocked on Sasuke's door.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

I finally decided to open the door instead.

I saw Sasuke laying down on the couch sleeping. I walked closer to him, moving his hair out of his eyes. I smiled. Dammit I still like him a lot. I don't even know what I was trying to accomplish by coming here.

I noticed a door closed just down the hallway. I grabbed the  closest thing to me so I could use it as self defense, I grabbed the vase that was nicely set on the coffee table. Walking closer to where the door closed.

"Who's there?" I tried making my voice deeper.

A medium length Grey haired boy popped up in front of me.

Shocked, I backed up into a wall hitting my head, I dropped the glass vase on the hardwood floor, blacking out.

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