Chapter Three

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I yawn turning away from the wall, I squint noticing someone by the bedroom door. I sit up trying to get a closer look noticing it was Sasuke. I've never been more confused in my life. He slowly making his way toward me without saying a single word.

He took off his shirt and threw it against the wall before making his way towards the edge of my matress.

I gulp scooting myself against my head board so I can be out of his reach.

He placed his knee on my bed, crawling towards me. Sasuke positioned his hand behind my head, aligning his face with mine. My body was starting to heat up as he was trying to make eye contact with me.

My heart is racing. I want to move away, but I can't for some reason. He looks into my eyes before leaning forward, I close my eyes, anticipating his next action.

•Buzz Buzz•


Sitting straight up from the noise I somehow fell off the bed.

Jeez... That was a weird dream... At least I hope it was.
Shaking my head at the thought of Sasuke in my room.

I noticed my iphone buzzing on my night stand, I stretched for it while still on my floor.

Looking at my phone, it's a text from Kiba.

"Hey Buddy!

Wanna come join me, Shikamaru, and Choji? We really need a fourth person so we can be even for a soccer match. And By the way, we're at Autumn Heights Park. Hurry!"

I grab my cleats without even replying and headed out the door.

Thank goodness that the park was only up the street from my house. On the way there my stomach started to growl. Dang it... I forgot I haven't really eaten anything besides my cup of noodles for lunch. I dig in my pockets remembering I had a protein bar. It was all smashed for being in my pocket. but it will have to do, so I ate it.

"Hey Naruto we're over here!" Choji yelled across the field.

"Haha! Coming fatt-"

I caught myself before finishing that sentence remembering Choji doesn't like to be called that. Even though I don't mean it in a harsh way.

"What was that last part Naruto?" Choji glared

"Nothing" I mumbled

I made my way to the crowd.

I sit down on the grass taking off my shoes and putting on my cleats.

"Ready?" said Shikamaru

"Haha! Yeah! Of course! I have energy for days!"

"The first one to make two goals is the winner" stated Choji

"Hey! Why not five goals" Kiba suggested

"Kiba you're lucky that I said two! That was me being considerate."

"Choji..." said Shikamaru with a smile.

"How about three? And we can go get some ramen afterwards. There's a new ramen shop that opened up not to far from here."

"Ya good thinking Naruto" said Choji.

Kiba is on my team so this should be a piece of cake.

The score is 2-0

"YES! One more goal and we win Naruto!"

"Not fair!" yelled Choji.

"Yes fair!" Kiba yelled back.

I make the winning goal while the argue.

Taken Lightly (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now